Brain research
Both neuroimaging work and studies investigating amnesic patients have shown involvement of the medial temporal lobe during working memory tasks, especially when multiple items or features have to be associated. However, so far no study has examined the relationship between working memory and subsequent episodic memory in patients using similar tasks. In this study, we compared patients with amnesia due to Korsakoff's syndrome (n=19) with healthy controls (n=18) on an associative working memory task followed by an unexpected subsequent episodic memory task. ⋯ Longer delays did not result in better subsequent memory, indicating that they do not facilitate long-term encoding processes. Our results are discussed in relation to Baddeley's working memory model as the episodic buffer is assumed to be a short-term store for maintaining bound representations. In light of these results, the long-standing view that working memory and long-term memory are strictly dissociated may need to be revisited.
The place escape/avoidance paradigm (PEAP) is a behavioral test designed to quantify the level of unpleasantness evoked by painful stimuli by assessing the willingness of a subject to escape/avoid a preferred area when it is associated with noxious stimulation. Previous studies have demonstrated that escape/avoidance behavior is dependent on activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a region of the limbic system involved in processing the emotional component of pain in humans and animals. Analysis of c-Fos expression in the ACC confirmed that the escape/avoidance response to noxious stimuli corresponds to changes in neural activation in this region. Behavioral tests such as the PEAP may be more sensitive to changes in supraspinal pain processing and could contribute to the development of novel analgesics in the future.
G-protein receptor (GPR) 40 is known to be activated by docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). However, reports studying the role and functions (including pain regulation) of GPR40 in the brain are lacking. We investigated the involvement of GPR40 in the brain on DHA-induced antinociceptive effects. ⋯ The κ opioid receptor antagonist norbinaltorphimine (nor-BNI) did not affect the antinociception of DHA or GW9508. Furthermore, the immunoreactivity of β-endorphin in the hypothalamus increased at 10 and 20min after i.c.v. injection of DHA and GW9508. These findings suggest that DHA-induced antinociception via β-endorphin release may be mediated (at least in part) through GPR40 signaling in the supraspinal area, and may provide valuable information on a novel therapeutic approach for pain control.
Propofol, an intravenous anesthetic, is broadly used for general anesthesia and diagnostic sedations due to its fast onset and recovery. Propofol depresses respiratory and cardiovascular reflex responses, however, their underlying mechanisms are not well known. Cardiorespiratory information from visceral afferent vagus nerves is integrated in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). ⋯ Propofol (10μM) evoked glutamate release was also blocked in the presence of the voltage dependent Na(+) and Ca(2+) channel blockers TTX (0.3μM) and Cd(2+) (0.2mM), respectively. In addition, the Na(+)-K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter type 1 antagonist bumetanide (10μM) also inhibited propofol evoked increase in sEPSC frequency. These results suggest that propofol evoked glutamate release onto NTS neurons by GABA(A) receptor-mediated depolarization of the presynaptic excitatory terminals.
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction, POCD, afflicts a large number of elderly surgical patients following surgery with general anesthesia. Mechanisms of POCD remain unclear. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, critical in learning and memory, that display protein expression changes with age are modulated by inhalation anesthetics. ⋯ Ro 25-6981 pretreatment attenuated the increase in acute NR2B protein expression. Our findings suggest a role for disruption of NMDA receptor mediated signaling pathways in the hippocampus and cortex of rats treated with isoflurane/ N(2)O anesthesia at 18-months-old, leading to spatial learning deficits in these animals. A potential therapeutic intervention for anesthesia associated cognitive deficits is discussed.