Pain research & management : the journal of the Canadian Pain Society = journal de la société canadienne pour le traitement de la douleur
The incidence of peripheral nerve injury (PNI) in China is continuously increasing. With an inability to function due to sensory and motor abnormalities, patients with PNI suffer from neuropathic pain and subsequent lesions. Presently, effective treatments for PNI are limited. ⋯ Furthermore, NPD1 can inhibit the invasion of IBA-1+ macrophages in dorsal root ganglions generated by nerve injury. Meanwhile, it can help rehabilitate motor and neuromuscular functions following PNI. The results indicate that NPD1 may be involved in the sensory and motor function recovery following PNI.
Observational Study
Does Postgraduate Education Deepen Temporomandibular Disorders Insights for Dental Professionals?
Objective: This study aims to investigate the impact of postgraduate education on the comprehension of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) among dental professionals. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted, involving 348 dental professionals, including students and practicing dentists, categorized based on their educational background into two groups: bachelor's degree or lower (Group B) and master's degree or higher (Group M). Questionnaires were utilized to assess attitudes and knowledge across four TMDs-related domains. ⋯ Conclusions: Postgraduate education deepened dental professionals' understanding of TMDs. Students improved more in the domains of "diagnosis" and "treatment and prognosis," whereas practicing dentists enhanced more in the "etiology" domain. To further advance postgraduate education, there is a need for more systematic course designs for TMDs, emphasizing the enhancement of knowledge related to examination methods and treatment options.