The American journal of managed care
To assess medication adherence rates of patients utilizing an online prescription management account compared with nonusers. ⋯ Patients who utilized an online prescription management account had higher rates of medication adherence as compared with nonusers. Additional studies are needed to assess which specific components of the prescription management account have the biggest impact on adherence.
To verify implementation and use of TELEMACO (TELEMedicina Ai piccoli COmunilombardi;, which provides specialized continuity of care with innovative healthcare services in remote areas of the Lombardy region of Italy; to design a network in the territory for sharing of continuityof- care programs; and to allow the relevant health authorities to collect cost data to establish a model for sustainable pricing for implementing these services. ⋯ TELEMACO provided evidence that there is a growing need for home management of patients using telemedicine, a common and efficacious approach that can ensure care continuity, especially in chronic diseases.
To compare adherence between once-daily (QD) and twice-daily (BID) dosing with chronic-use prescription medications used by patients with cardiovascular disease. ⋯ In this large analysis, the QD dosing regimen was related to greater adherence versus a BID regimen.
To understand the current use of electronic health records (EHRs) in small primary care practices and to explore experiences and perceptions of physicians and staff toward the benefits, challenges, and successful strategies for implementation and meaningful use of advanced EHR functions. ⋯ Small practices experience difficulty with implementation and utilization of advanced EHR functions. Federal and state policies should continue to support practices by providing technical assistance and financial incentives, grants, and/or loans. Small practices should consider using regional extension center services and reaching out to colleagues and other healthcare organizations with similar EHR systems for advice and guidance.