Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors
Observational Study
Comparing the Accuracy of Mass Casualty Triage Systems When Used in an Adult Population.
Objective: To use a previously published criterion standard to compare the accuracy of 4 different mass casualty triage systems (Sort, Assess, Lifesaving Interventions, Treatment/Transport [SALT], Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment [START], Triage Sieve, and CareFlight) when used in an emergency department-based adult population. Methods: We performed a prospective, observational study of a convenience sample of adults aged 18 years or older presenting to a single tertiary care hospital emergency department. A co-investigator with prior emergency medical services (EMS) experience observed each subject's initial triage in the emergency department and recorded all data points necessary to assign a triage category using each of the 4 mass casualty triage systems being studied. ⋯ SALT had the highest over-triage rate (22%; 95% CI 14-29) compared to START (7%; 95% CI 3-12), CareFlight (6%; 95% CI 2-11) and TriageSieve (6%; 95% CI 2-11). Conclusion: We found that SALT triage most often correctly triaged adult emergency department patients when compared to a previously published criterion standard. While there are no target under- and over-triage rates that have been published for mass casualty triage, all 4 systems had relatively high rates of under-triage.
Background: Chest pain is a leading complaint in emergency settings. Timely emergency medical services (EMS) responses can reduce delays to treatment and improve clinical outcomes for acute myocardial infarction patients and other medical emergencies. We investigated national-level EMS response, scene, and transport times for acute chest pain patients in the United States. ⋯ Regional and urban-rural differences were observed in adherence with the response time benchmark. Our findings also suggest age and gender disparities in on-scene delays by EMS. Our study contributes important evidence on timely EMS responses for cardiac chest pain and provides suggestions for EMS system benchmarking and quality improvement.
Case Reports
Prehospital Transfusion of Low-Titer O + Whole Blood for Severe Maternal Hemorrhage: A Case Report.
Introduction: Beginning in 2017, multiple stakeholders within the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council for Trauma collaborated to incorporate cold-stored low-titer O RhD-positive whole blood (LTO + WB) into all phases of their trauma system, including the prehospital phase of care. Although the program was initially focused on trauma resuscitation, it was expanded to included non-traumatic hemorrhagic shock patients that may benefit from whole blood resuscitation. ⋯ We believe this to be the first reported case of post-partum hemorrhage resuscitated out of hospital with whole blood. Discussion: This case highlights the potential benefits of a prehospital whole blood program as well as the controversy surrounding a LTO + WB program that includes females of childbearing age.
Myocardial infarction (MI) is a rare complication of blunt chest trauma (BCT). We describe an extensive antero-lateral MI due to thrombosis of the left main stem coronary artery following a blow to the lower face and upper anterior chest during an industrial accident in a 52-year-old male. The patient presented with acute left ventricular failure. ⋯ We aim to highlight the importance of cardiac assessment in trauma scenarios particularly where patients are unable to report symptoms. Our patient sadly did not survive his injuries. This case describes MI following BCT from the initial prehospital presentation through to postmortem findings and adds to the limited literature on the pathological mechanisms underpinning this rare complication.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Maximum value of end-tidal carbon dioxide concentrations during resuscitation as an indicator of return of spontaneous circulation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Background: The end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) concentration during resuscitation (CPR) of an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) has an increasingly well-known prognostic value. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated its maximum value in different etiologies. Methods: It was a retrospective, observational, multicentre study from the French OHCA Registry. ⋯ The probability of ROSC increased with the value of ETCO2 in the 3 etiologies studied. Conclusions: The maximum value of ETCO2 during OHCA resuscitation was strongly associated with ROSC, especially in the case of a traumatic cause. This suggests that a single elevated ETCO2 value, regardless of time, could help to predict the outcome.