Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors
Increasing naloxone access has been identified as a primary strategy to reduce opioid overdose deaths. To supplement community naloxone training and distribution access points, EMS systems have instituted public safety-based naloxone leave behind (NLB) programs that allow emergency medical responders to distribute "leave behind" naloxone kits on the scene of an overdose. This model presents an opportunity to expand naloxone access for individuals at high risk for future overdoses. ⋯ The fully adjusted logistic regression model revealed that those whose kit was left with a family member on the scene were 5.16 times more likely to be connected to peer support specialists (OR = 5.16, CI= 2.35 - 11.29, p = 0.000) while those whose kit was left with a friend or given directly to the patient were 3.69 times (OR = 3.69, CI= 1.13 - 12.06, p < 0.05) and 2.37 times (OR = 2.37, CI= 1.10 - 5.14, p < 0.05) more likely, respectively, to be connected to follow up services as compared to those who did not accept a kit, controlling for other variables in the model. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of engaging an individual's family and social network when offering connections to treatment and recovery resources. NLB initiatives can potentially augment existing community-based naloxone training structures, thus widening the scope of the life-saving drug and reaching those most at risk of dying from an opioid overdose.
We report a rare but serious complication of needle thoracostomy, penetration of the myocardium. Needle thoracostomy is typically performed in the prehospital setting or upon arrival in the emergency department for suspected tension pneumothorax. ⋯ Our case supports prior literature that the anterior MCL location has a low rate of efficacy to decompress the chest, as well as a high rate of complications. We recommend performing needle decompression laterally at the AAL whether in the field or in the emergency department.
Motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) comprise a significant component of emergency medical service workload. Due to the potential for life-threatening injuries, ambulances are often dispatched at the highest priority to MVCs. However, previous research has shown that only a small proportion of high-priority ambulance responses to MVCs encounter high acuity patients. ⋯ A 'not ambulant patient' (one identified by paramedics as unable to walk or having an injury incompatible with being able to walk) had 15 times the odds of being high acuity than ambulant patients (OR 15.34, 95% CI, 11.48-20.49). Those who were trapped in a vehicle compared to those not trapped (OR 4.68, 95% CI, 3.95-5.54); and those who were ejected (both partial and full) from the vehicle compared to those not ejected (OR 6.49, 95% CI, 4.62-9.12) had higher odds of being high acuity patients. Discussion: There were two important findings from this study: (1) few MVC patients were deemed to be high acuity; and (2) several crash scene characteristics were strong predictors of high acuity patients.
Stable patients with less severe injuries are not necessarily triaged to high-level trauma centers according to current guidelines. Obese patients are prone to comorbidities and complications. We hypothesized that stable obese patients with low-energy trauma have lower mortality and fewer complications if treated at Level-I/II trauma centers. ⋯ Conclusion: Obesity plays a role in the mortality of stable BAT patients. Obese patients with ISS < 16 have lower complication rates at Level-I/II trauma centers compared to obese patients treated at other trauma centers. Obesity may be a consideration for triaging to Level-I/II trauma centers.
Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan (MAGS) policies, which eliminate legal charges when students call 9-1-1 for excessive drinking, have been implemented with the goal of reducing barriers to accessing Emergency Medical Services (EMS). This study investigated the impact of MAGS policy implementation on EMS calls on campus and if that EMS call volume could be used to measure policy success. The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of alcohol-related EMS calls before and after MAGS implementation at a single large public university campus. ⋯ Conclusion: Implementation of a MAGS policy was not associated with a significant change in the number of alcohol-related EMS responses. It is unclear if these results reflect ineffective policy implementation or a general reduction in on-campus alcohol consumption. However, using EMS call volume as a marker for policy success and quality improvement offers an innovative tool through which EMS agencies can provide valuable feedback to other system stakeholders.