Aging & mental health
Aging & mental health · Jan 2013
Comparative StudyDiagnosis and disclosure of dementia--a comparative qualitative study of Irish and Swedish General Practitioners.
To explore the attitudes of Irish and Swedish General Practitioners (GPs) to the diagnosis and disclosure of dementia to patients; to investigate GP under-graduate/post-graduate training in dementia; to examine the post-diagnostic support services available to GPs in both countries and to investigate the extent to which dementia is perceived as stigmatising. ⋯ Despite the presence of very adequate post-diagnostic support services for people recently diagnosed with dementia, the majority of Swedish GPs like their Irish counterparts displayed therapeutic nihilism and were reluctant to speak overtly to their patients about their dementia. Dementia continues to be a stigmatising illness for both Irish and Swedish GPs.
Aging & mental health · Jan 2013
Causes of crises and appropriate interventions: the views of people with dementia, carers and healthcare professionals.
The aims of this study were to identify which factors may lead to crisis for people with dementia and their carers and identify interventions these individuals believe could help in crisis. Qualitative study using focus groups to compare the perspectives of people with dementia, family carers and healthcare professionals on causes of crises and crisis interventions. To help in a crisis, people with dementia were favourable towards support from family and friends, access to mobile phones and home adaptations to reduce risks. ⋯ Physical problems were less commonly identified as causes of crises but when they did occur they had a major impact. Practical interventions such as home adaptations, assistive technology, education and training for family carers, and flexible home care services were highly valued by service users and their families during times of crisis and may help prevent hospital admissions. Specialist home care was highly valued by all groups.
Aging & mental health · Jan 2013
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people in Ireland: mental health issues.
International policy initiatives have highlighted the need to include older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues in the provision of appropriate health and social care. However, empirical studies in the area remain sparse. ⋯ The findings revealed that a significant number of the survey respondents had experienced a mental health problem at some point in their lives with interview participants providing further details of their concerns. It is recommended that policy makers address the mental health needs of older LGBT people in future strategic directives and develop standards of care that support the principles of equality, inclusion and respect for diversity.
Aging & mental health · Jan 2013
Depressive symptoms as an independent risk factor for mortality in elderly persons: results of a national longitudinal study.
Depressive symptoms have been associated with increased mortality risk in previous cohort studies, but there is a paucity of research on Asian elderly in recent years. The authors investigated the depression-mortality link using data from a representative national cohort. ⋯ Depressive symptoms are an independent risk factor for mortality in the elderly. Elderly depressive men and elderly without chronic diseases seemed to have a greater mortality risk.
Aging & mental health · Jan 2013
Person-centered care in Chinese residential care facilities: a preliminary measure.
Person-centered care (PCC) is one of the most desirable approaches for elderly with dementia. However, it has not been initiated and systematically studied in China, on which lacking of reliable and valid measurement tools is one of the key barriers. This paper aims to validate person-centered care assessment tools (P-CAT) in a Chinese context. ⋯ P-CAT-C is a culturally adapted version of the original P-CAT, which showed satisfactory reliability and validity for evaluating PCC in Chinese residential care facilities. It also provides insight to other developing countries.