Aging & mental health
Aging & mental health · Sep 2019
Mental health disorder, pain, and pain treatment among long-term care residents: Evidence from the Minimum Data Set 3.0.
Objective: This study evaluated: (a) associations between long-term care residents' mental health disorder diagnoses and their pain self-reports and pain treatments, and (b) the extent to which communication, cognitive, and physical functioning problems help explain disparities in the pain and pain treatments of long-term care residents with and without mental health disorders. Method: Minimum Data Set 3.0 records of 8,300 residents of Department of Veterans Affairs Community Living Centers were used to determine statistically unadjusted and adjusted cross-sectional associations between residents' mental health diagnoses and their pain and pain treatments. Results: Residents diagnosed with dementia and serious mental illness (SMI) were less likely, and those diagnosed with depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorder (SUD) were more likely, to report recent, severe, and debilitating pain. ⋯ In general, these associations remained even after statistically adjusting for residents' demographic characteristics, other mental health disorder diagnoses, and functioning. Conclusion: Long-term care residents with mental health disorders experience disparities in pain and pain treatment that are not well-explained by their functioning deficits. They may benefit from more frequent, thorough pain assessments and from more varied and closely tailored pain treatment approaches.
Aging & mental health · Sep 2019
How do inpatient psychiatric nurses make sense of and respond to behaviours in dementia? An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
Objectives: Existing literature demonstrates that nurses' understanding of behaviours in dementia influences their responses to persons with dementia. However, there is limited research on the psychological processes involved in how nurses make sense of the behaviours and how these impact on responding, and a dearth of such literature from inpatient acute dementia settings. This study explored how inpatient psychiatric nurses make sense of and respond to behaviours in dementia. ⋯ Conclusions: The study highlighted that sense making is a dynamic process, which occurs through a range of psychological processes and can change moment by moment dependent on the influences on the nurse. It demonstrated that nurses need to be supported to move flexibly through a range of emotional connections, which were found to underlie the negotiations made at work and influence sense making and responding. Nurses may benefit from space to reflect and formulate their understanding of clients, but further research is required to determine the effectiveness of this.
Aging & mental health · Sep 2019
Associations of objective versus subjective social isolation with sleep disturbance, depression, and fatigue in community-dwelling older adults.
Objective: Older adults are at higher risk of experiencing social isolation, which has been linked to impaired physical and mental health. The link between social isolation and health might be due to objective deprivation of social network and/or subjective experience of loneliness. This community-based cross-sectional study examined whether the associations between social isolation and behavioral symptoms including sleep disturbance, depression, and fatigue are mostly explained by its subjective component. ⋯ Additionally, those with objective social isolation were found to have worse symptoms mostly when they also experienced subjective social isolation. Conclusions: Older adults with objective social isolation may experience sleep disturbance, depression, and fatigue because they feel socially isolated, not just because they are deprived of social networks. Interventions that target social isolation might serve as potential treatments for improving behavioral health of older adults, especially by targeting its subjective component.
Aging & mental health · Jul 2019
Aging, cognition, and the brain: effects of age-related variation in white matter integrity on neuropsychological function.
Alterations in brain structure are viewed as neurobiological indicators which are closely tied to cognitive changes in healthy human aging. The current study used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography to investigate the relationship between age, brain variation in white matter (WM) integrity, and cognitive function. Sixteen younger adults (aged 20-28 years) and 18 healthy older adults (aged 60-75 years) underwent DTI scanning and a standardized battery of neuropsychological measures. ⋯ Our correlation results showed that age-related WM differentially influenced cognitive function, with increased fractional anisotropy values in both the anterior corpus callosum and the right cingulum/angular fibers positively correlated with performance on the visuospatial task in older adults. Moreover, mediation analysis further revealed that the WM tract integrity of the frontal interhemspheric fibers was a significant mediator of age-visuospatial performance relation in older adults, but not in younger adults. These findings support the vulnerability of the frontal WM fibers to normal aging and push forward our understanding of cognitive aging by providing a more integrative view of the neural basis of linkages among aging, cognition, and brain.
Aging & mental health · Jun 2019
Exploring provider-surrogate communication during POLST discussions for individuals with advanced dementia.
This qualitative descriptive study explored provider-surrogate communication during Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) discussions for patients with advanced dementia. ⋯ Findings highlight areas that require providers' attention to conduct effective communication, such as delivering comprehensive information about life-sustaining treatments including discussion of risks and benefits in the context of dementia. Findings also support the use of the conceptual model as a framework to examine provider-surrogate communication in the context of POLST discussions, advanced dementia, and non-hospital settings. Additional research is necessary to confirm these findings in larger, more diverse groups of patients, surrogates, and providers.