British journal of anaesthesia
Obesity is an epidemic in much of the Western World. The extent of this problem, combined with the increasing preference for ambulatory surgical procedures, has produced a difficult situation for many anaesthesiologists. ⋯ Patients with OSA are often not ideal candidates for certain day-case procedures, but many outpatient procedures can be performed on patients with OSA as long as attention is paid to anaesthetic technique. Diabetic patients are prone to numerous complications in the perioperative period, including cardiac problems, but with careful management, they are able to undergo day-case surgical procedures safely.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Effects of maintaining a remifentanil infusion on the recovery profiles during emergence from anaesthesia and tracheal extubation.
Emergence from anaesthesia and tracheal extubation can be associated with hyperdynamic circulatory responses. We examined the effects of maintaining a remifentanil infusion on recovery profiles such as coughing and cardiovascular responses after general anaesthesia. ⋯ Maintaining a remifentanil infusion reduced haemodynamic changes and coughing associated with tracheal extubation almost without significantly delaying recovery from anaesthesia.
Comparative Study
Comparison of the sedative properties of CNS 7056, midazolam, and propofol in sheep.
CNS 7056 is an esterase-metabolized benzodiazepine sedative currently under development. Its short duration of action would suggest a clinical role similar to midazolam or propofol. ⋯ CNS 7056 is a powerful and short-acting anaesthetic in sheep with respiratory and cardiovascular effects consistent with its sedative/anaesthetic qualities.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Prospective randomized controlled multi-centre trial of cuffed or uncuffed endotracheal tubes in small children.
The use of cuffed tracheal tubes (TTs) in small children is still controversial. The aim of this study was to compare post-extubation morbidity and TT exchange rates when using cuffed vs uncuffed tubes in small children. ⋯ The use of cuffed TTs in small children provides a reliably sealed airway at cuff pressures of