British journal of anaesthesia
Comparative Study
Comparison of cardiac output measured by oesophageal Doppler ultrasonography or pulse pressure contour wave analysis.
Maintaining adequate organ perfusion during high-risk surgery requires continuous monitoring of cardiac output to optimise haemodynamics. Oesophageal Doppler Cardiac Output monitoring (DCO) is commonly used in this context, but has some limitations. Recently, the cardiac output estimated by pulse pressure analysis- (PPCO) was developed. This study evaluated the agreement of cardiac output variations estimated with 9 non-commercial algorithms of PPCO compared with those obtained with DCO. ⋯ Comité d'éthique de la Société de Réanimation de Langue Française No. 11-356.
To improve perioperative patient safety, hospitals are implementing evidence-based perioperative safety guidelines. To facilitate this process, it is important to provide insight into current practice. For this purpose, we aimed to develop patient safety indicators. ⋯ Using a systematic, stepwise method 11 patient safety indicators were developed for internal assessment, monitoring and improvement of the perioperative care process. There was large variation in guideline adherence between and within hospitals, identifying opportunities for improvement in the quality of perioperative care.
Cumulative sum (CUSUM) analysis has been used for assessing competence of trainees learning new technical skills. One of its disadvantages is the required definition of acceptable and unacceptable success rates. We therefore monitored the development of competence amongst trainees new to obstetric epidural anaesthesia in a large public hospital. ⋯ CUSUM is useful for assessing trainee epidural competence. Trainees require approximately 50 attempts, as defined by CUSUM, to reach competence.
Editorial Comment
'Paradox' of troponin elevations after non-cardiac surgery.