British journal of anaesthesia
We explored how adult surgical patients perceived their risk of major postoperative complications, including neurological complications, and how much information they wanted to receive about such risks. ⋯ Many participants did not know the risks of major perioperative complications but based their risk perception on previous experiences and trust in health professionals. Participants focused on hope more than their concerns. Information provision should be personalised as patients expressed differences in the desired amount of information on risks.
The supramammillary nucleus (SuM), located in the caudal hypothalamus, includes wake-promoting glutamatergic neurones. Their potential role in regulating states of consciousness during general anaesthesia remains unknown. ⋯ Activation of SuMVglut2 neurones or the glutamatergic septo-supramammillary circuit induces behavioural arousal and cortical activation during sevoflurane anaesthesia.