British journal of anaesthesia
Comparative Study
Effect of common airway manoeuvres on upper airway dimensions and clinical signs in anaesthetized, spontaneously breathing children.
Chin lift, jaw thrust and these manoeuvres combined with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can be used to improve the patency of the upper airway during general anaesthesia. We used video endoscopy and measurement of stridor to compare the efficacy of these manoeuvres in 24 children (3-10 yr) with adenotonsillar hyperplasia. ⋯ Both chin lift plus CPAP and jaw thrust plus CPAP reduced stridor significantly compared with the unsupported condition. In conclusion, in spontaneously breathing children with large tonsils, chin lift plus CPAP is recommended, whereas jaw thrust plus CPAP is no better and may cause post-operative discomfort.
The pharmacokinetics and time course of action of vecuronium in normal children and children receiving anticonvulsant drugs for prolonged periods were characterized. A bolus dose of vecuronium 0.15 mg kg(-1) was administered i.v. to 10 non-epileptic children and to 10 children on phenytoin and 10 children on carbamazepine, who were matched for age and weight. Plasma concentrations of vecuronium, 3-OH desacetylvecuronium (the primary metabolite of vecuronium) and alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) were determined. ⋯ Children on chronic anticonvulsant therapy had a significantly shorter RI than control [control 21.8 (11), phenytoin 12.5 (8.3), carbamazepine 10.6 (5.9) min, P<0.05]. Concentrations of vecuronium at different degrees of recovery of T1, volumes of distribution and AAG concentrations were not different between groups. Our data confirm anticonvulsant-induced resistance to vecuronium in children and support a pharmacokinetic component contributing to the resistance.
Comparative Study
EEG bispectral index and hypnotic component of anaesthesia induced by sevoflurane: comparison between children and adults.
This prospective study was designed to evaluate the correlation between the electroencephalographic bispectral index (BIS) and the hypnotic component of anaesthesia (CA) induced by sevoflurane in 27 children and 27 adult patients. BIS and CA were compared at loss of consciousness (LOC) and on recovery of consciousness (ROC). Mean (SD) BIS decreased significantly at LOC in children and adults from 94 (2.7) to 87.4 (4) and from 96.2 (2) to 86.7 (4.4), respectively, without any difference between groups. ⋯ Correlation coefficients between BIS and CA in ROC were -0.876 in children and -0.837 in adults. BIS values at ROC were not different from those at LOC in either group. These data demonstrate that BIS correlates with the hypnotic component of anaesthesia induced by sevoflurane in children as well as in adults.
Comparative Study
Comparison of relaxant effects of propofol on methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction in dogs with and without vagotomy.
Propofol has been suggested to have in vivo airway relaxant effects, although the mechanism is still unclear. In this study, we determined whether propofol could antagonize methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction and determined whether vagotomy modifies this relaxant effect. Fourteen mongrel dogs anaesthetized with pentobarbital and pancuronium were assigned to a control group (n=7) and a vagotomy group (n=7). ⋯ The two groups did not differ significantly in the maximal inhibitory effect of propofol [control group, 61.1% (46.3-75.9%), vagotomy group, 64.2% (40.1-88.3%)] or pIC50 [control group 5.03 (4.55-5.51), vagotomy group 4.86 (4.49-5.24)]. Therefore, the relaxant effects of propofol on methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction may not be mediated centrally. Propofol may relax airway smooth muscles directly or through the peripheral vagal pathway.