Ciência & saúde coletiva
Ciência & saúde coletiva · May 2021
National COVID-19 vaccination plan: using artificial spatial intelligence to overcome challenges in Brazil.
This article explores the use of spatial artificial intelligence to estimate the resources needed to implement Brazil's COVID-19 immu nization campaign. Using secondary data, we conducted a cross-sectional ecological study adop ting a time-series design. The unit of analysis was Brazil's primary care centers (PCCs). ⋯ The number of PCCs located more than 5 kilometer from cell towers was largest in the North and Northeast regions. Innovative stra tegies are needed to address the challenges posed by the implementation of the country's National COVID-19 Vaccination Plan. The use of spatial artificial intelligence-based methodologies can help improve the country's COVID-19 response.
Ciência & saúde coletiva · Mar 2021
The influence of the U.S. response to COVID-19 in Global Health.
The American response to the pandemic involves a prominent volume of federal resources, especially for developing and acquiring products for internal use, such as diagnostics or vaccines. Investment mechanisms and historical aspects justify this expenditure. ⋯ S.) secured a large number of potential products, ensuring excessive local production. This unilateral foreign policy has influenced other countries or regional blocs and undermined global cooperation and solidarity, affecting the collective health of several nations.
Ciência & saúde coletiva · Dec 2020
Social distancing measures and demands for the reorganization of hemotherapy services in the context of Covid-19.
The article aims to discuss the consequences of social distancing measures on the availability of blood and organization of blood therapy services at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. News published in April 2020 on the websites of the country's state Blood Service Networks were consulted and organized in an Excel spreadsheet, presented in summary charts, and descriptions of results were prepared. A critical situation of blood supply, especially of some blood types, has been observed in many states. ⋯ Protection measures were incorporated, flows were changed and new routines were established. This study shows the extent to which the epidemiological situation of Covid-19 and the necessary measures for its control influenced the stocks and availability of blood. Changes in the organization of blood therapy services were fundamental in order to ensure protection, mitigate the risks of spreading the virus, and ensure the blood supply to meet the needs of the health system.
Ciência & saúde coletiva · Oct 2020
Comparative StudySevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Pernambuco: comparison of patterns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The aim of this study was to analyze the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) pattern in Pernambuco before and during a COVID-19 pandemic. Ecological study conducted from January to June, 2015 to 2019 and from January 1 to June 15, 2020. The detection rates by municipality and by Regional Health of residence were calculated. ⋯ Most municipalities experienced a 20-fold higher detection than expected, suggesting a process of virus spread to the hinterlands. The excess risk associate with lower IDHM, the condition of the municipality being the headquarters of the Regional Health and the presence of a highway in the municipality. The change in the pattern of occurrence of SRAG, combined with Spatial analysis may contribute to action planning at different levels of management.
Ciência & saúde coletiva · Oct 2020
ReviewNecropolitics and the impact of COVID-19 on the Black community in Brazil: a literature review and a document analysis.
This study discusses to what extent the inclusion, or not, of the race/color variable in epidemiological analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic can work as an external manifestation of necropolitics and as a producer of health inequities. We conducted a literature review on 09 articles, and on Scientific Electronic Library, PubMed and Virtual Health Library databases. ⋯ We did not see much information regarding race/color, which can be interpreted as an intentional omission in order to hide those who the epidemics affects the most. The denial of basic and fundamental rights is the element that characterizes the larger racist structure of Brazil's COVID-19 policies.