Medical image analysis
Medical image analysis · Jan 2012
An image space approach to Cartesian based parallel MR imaging with total variation regularization.
The Cartesian parallel magnetic imaging problem is formulated variationally using a high-order penalty for coil sensitivities and a total variation like penalty for the reconstructed image. Then the optimality system is derived and numerically discretized. ⋯ To solve the optimality system, a nonlinear Gauss-Seidel outer iteration is used in which the objective function is minimized with respect to one variable after the other using an inner generalized Newton iteration. Computational results for in vivo MR imaging data show that a significant improvement in reconstruction quality can be obtained by using the proposed regularization methods in relation to alternative approaches.
Medical image analysis · Aug 2011
Kernel regression based feature extraction for 3D MR image denoising.
Kernel regression is a non-parametric estimation technique which has been successfully applied to image denoising and enhancement in recent times. Magnetic resonance 3D image denoising has two features that distinguish it from other typical image denoising applications, namely the tridimensional structure of the images and the nature of the noise, which is Rician rather than Gaussian or impulsive. Here we propose a principled way to adapt the general kernel regression framework to this particular problem. ⋯ By considering directional information in the weight computation, this approach substantially enhances the performance of the filter. Moreover, Rician noise level is automatically estimated without any need of human intervention, i.e. our method is fully automated. Experimental results over synthetic and real images demonstrate that our proposal achieves good performance with respect to the other MRI denoising filters being compared.
Medical image analysis · Jun 2011
Unsupervised 4D myocardium segmentation with a Markov Random Field based deformable model.
A stochastic deformable model is proposed for the segmentation of the myocardium in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The segmentation is posed as a probabilistic optimization problem in which the optimal time-dependent surface is obtained for the myocardium of the heart in a discrete space of locations built upon simple geometric assumptions. ⋯ Then, the segmentation solution is obtained by the Maximization of the Posterior Marginals for the myocardium location in a Markov Random Field framework which optimally integrates temporal-spatial smoothness with intensity and gradient related features in an unsupervised way by the Maximum Likelihood estimation of the parameters of the field. This scheme provides a flexible and robust segmentation method which has been able to generate results comparable to manually segmented images for some derived cardiac function parameters in a set of 43 patients affected in different degrees by an Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Medical image analysis · Apr 2011
A wavelet-based regularized reconstruction algorithm for SENSE parallel MRI with applications to neuroimaging.
To reduce scanning time and/or improve spatial/temporal resolution in some Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) applications, parallel MRI acquisition techniques with multiple coils acquisition have emerged since the early 1990s as powerful imaging methods that allow a faster acquisition process. In these techniques, the full FOV image has to be reconstructed from the resulting acquired undersampled k-space data. To this end, several reconstruction techniques have been proposed such as the widely-used SENSitivity Encoding (SENSE) method. ⋯ The proposed approach relies on a fast algorithm that enables the minimization of regularized non-differentiable criteria including more general penalties than a classical ℓ(1) term. To further enhance the reconstructed image quality, local convex constraints are added to the regularization process. In vivo human brain experiments carried out on Gradient-Echo (GRE) anatomical and Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) functional MRI data at 1.5T indicate that our algorithm provides reconstructed images with reduced artifacts for high reduction factors.
Medical image analysis · Apr 2011
Evaluating intensity normalization on MRIs of human brain with multiple sclerosis.
Intensity normalization is an important pre-processing step in the study and analysis of Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of human brains. As most parametric supervised automatic image segmentation and classification methods base their assumptions regarding the intensity distributions on a standardized intensity range, intensity normalization takes on a very significant role. One of the fast and accurate approaches proposed for intensity normalization is that of Nyul and colleagues. ⋯ We also demonstrate the advantage of the decile based piece-wise linear approach on the task of MS lesion segmentation against a linear normalization approach over three image segmentation algorithms: a standard Bayesian classifier, an outlier detection based approach and a Bayesian classifier with Markov Random Field (MRF) based post-processing. Finally, to demonstrate the independence of the effectiveness of normalization from the complexity of segmentation algorithm, we evaluate the Nyul method against the linear normalization on Bayesian algorithms of increasing complexity including a standard Bayesian classifier with Maximum Likelihood parameter estimation and a Bayesian classifier with integrated data priors, in addition to the above Bayesian classifier with MRF based post-processing to smooth the posteriors. In all relevant cases, the observed results are verified for statistical relevance using significance tests.