European journal of pain : EJP
Fibromyalgia is a chronic widespread pain condition, with patients commonly reporting other symptoms such as sleep difficulties, memory complaints and fatigue. The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in fibromyalgia has allowed for the detection of neural abnormalities, with alterations in brain activation elicited by experimental pain and alterations in resting state connectivity related to clinical pain. ⋯ These data reporting changes in resting-state brain activity following a noxious stimulus suggest that the acute painful stimuli may contribute to the alteration of the neural signature of chronic pain. WHAT DOES THIS STUDY/ADD?: In this study acute pain application shows an echo in functional connectivity and clinical pain changes in chronic pain.
Clinical observations indicate that cutaneous hyperalgesia may arise from pain located in deep structures. The objective of this study was to investigate whether combined sensitization of deep and superficial somatic tissues facilitates skin hyperalgesia. ⋯ Using skin and deep tissue pain sensitization models simultaneously, no significant synergistic effects were found within the 3-day investigation suggesting little integration between the two phenomena in this period.
Pain is associated with affective, cognitive and sensory dysfunction. Animal models can be used to observe ethologically relevant behaviours such as thigmotaxis, giving insight into how ongoing sensory abnormalities influence natural rodent behaviours. The amygdala is a complex group of nuclei implicated in the integration and generation of emotional behavioural responses, including those associated with pain, and a region known as the central amygdala is particularly associated with generation of behavioural responses, due to its links to the descending pain modulation pathways; as such, study of amygdalar c-Fos immunoreactivity can help identify the neuronal circuits involved. ⋯ This study provides evidence to support the role of the amygdala in thigmotactic open field behaviour following SNT. WHAT DOES THIS STUDY ADD?: Thigmotaxis and amygdala activation are positively correlated in rats following spinal nerve transection. Behavioural changes seen in sham animals did not correlate with amygdala activation, suggesting amygdala activation is related to nociceptive input. Evoked measures, such as hindpaw withdrawal, are not correlated with either thigmotaxis or amygdala activation, emphasizing the importance of complex behaviours when studying pain.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Analgesia by telemedically supported paramedics compared with physician-administered analgesia: A prospective, interventional, multicentre trial.
In German emergency medical services (EMS), the analgesia is restricted to physicians. In this prospective, interventional, multicentre trial, complications with and quality of telemedically delegated analgesia were evaluated. ⋯ Telemedical delegation of analgesics to paramedics was safe and led to a pain reduction superior to the published minimum standard in both groups. The documentation quality was better in the telemedicine group. WHAT DOES THIS STUDY ADD?: Little is known about the safety and quality of prehospital analgesia carried out by emergency medical services (EMS). Beside potential quality problems, in some countries meaningful pain reduction is limited by legal regulations that allow only physicians to administer analgesics. This first multicentre prospective trial for telemedically delegated analgesia demonstrates that remote analgesia is possible and safe and retains equivalent analgesic quality compared with that administered by onsite EMS physicians.