European journal of pain : EJP
Low peak alpha frequency (PAF) is an electroencephalography (EEG) outcome associated reliably with high acute pain sensitivity. However, existing research suggests that the relationship between PAF and chronic pain is more variable. This variability could be attributable to chronic pain groups typically being examined as homogenous populations, without consideration being given to potential diagnosis-specific differences. Indeed, while emerging work has compared individuals with chronic pain to healthy controls, no previous studies have examined differences in PAF between diagnoses or across chronic pain subtypes. ⋯ Our work suggests that, contrary to previous hypotheses, inter-individual differences in PAF reflect diagnosis-specific mechanisms rather than the general presence of chronic pain, and therefore may have important implications for future work regarding individually-tailored pain management strategies.
Despite functional connectivity network dysfunction among individuals with headaches, no studies have examined functional connectivity neural correlates and anatomical differences in coping with headaches. ⋯ This study highlights the potential use of emerging behavioural biomarkers in headache management, such as pain acceptance, and their role in modifying the headache experience. Notably, grey matter reorganization in the cerebellum and other known brain pain networks, could indicate brain networks that can be modified from targeted behavioural interventions to help decode the nociplastic mechanisms that predominates in headaches.
Pain and depressive symptoms often co-occur, but the influence of pain intensity remains unclear. This study analyses the association between pain intensity and depressive symptoms in the general adult German population. ⋯ Our study found a clear association between higher pain intensity and depressive symptoms in the general population across all types of pain. Further, being underweight was linked to depressive symptoms overall and the highest prevalence of depressive symptoms was found in underweight persons with severe pain. These findings highlight the importance of assessing depressive symptoms in patients with higher pain intensity, especially in underweight patients.
This experiment aimed at confirming our incidental observation that, when capsaicin is applied on the volar forearm, raising the arm to a vertical position leads to a dramatic increase in capsaicin-evoked pain and to explore possible underlying mechanisms. ⋯ Capsaicin-evoked pain can be strongly modulated by limb posture and this effect may be caused by an interplay between vascular and nociceptive systems.
Plasma neurofilament light chain (NFL) has been measured as a biomarker of neuronal damage in various neurological disorders. Elevated tau and β-amyloid levels have been found in patients with fibromyalgia (FM). The aim of the present study was to compare plasma neurofilament levels in fibromyalgia patients with normal controls and to investigate the correlation with clinical features and cognitive tests. ⋯ Plasma neurofilament levels are elevated in patients with fibromyalgia, regardless of disease severity and duration. Neurofilament levels are higher in patients with mild working memory impairment and sleep disorders. Subgroups of patients with primary neuronal damage phenomena could be individualized for prospective evaluation with regard to the possible development of cognitive decline and sleep disturbances, which would justify a tailored therapeutic approach.