The British journal of surgery
Review Meta Analysis
Systematic review and meta-analysis of vein cuffs for below-knee synthetic bypass.
The aim was to investigate the possible benefit of vein cuffs for femoral to below-knee popliteal and femorodistal vessel synthetic bypass grafts. ⋯ There was a small but significant benefit for vein cuffs on synthetic grafts used for femoral to below-knee popliteal anastomoses, but little benefit for femorodistal anastomoses.
Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is technically challenging owing to endoscopic short-sighted visualization, excessive scope flexibility and lack of adequate instrumentation. Augmented reality may overcome these difficulties. This study tested whether an image registration system for NOTES procedures (IR-NOTES) can facilitate navigation. ⋯ The IR-NOTES system enhanced both navigation efficacy and ease of intra-abdominal NOTES exploration for operators of all levels. The system rendered some organs accessible to non-expert operators, thereby reducing one impediment to NOTES procedures.
In the Netherlands, the first 5 years of follow-up after treatment for breast cancer are carried out in hospital with yearly mammography. After this, for patients aged over 60 years who have undergone mastectomy, there is a shift of care to the National Screening Programme (NSP) for mammography every 2 years. After breast-conserving therapy follow-up is perfomed by the general practitioner (GP), with mammography every second year and physical examination annually. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical effects and costs of four different strategies for follow-up after breast cancer treatment. ⋯ Decreasing hospital follow-up time, lowering the age of referral to the NSP or GP, and termination of annual physical examinations would lead to a substantial reduction in costs while maintaining the possibility of detecting small breast cancers.
Recent advances in simulation science permit patient-specific rehearsal of endovascular stenting procedures. This study aimed to evaluate how effectively real interventions are replicated by patient-specific rehearsal technology, and to assess its value as a preparatory tool for the interventionalist and the operating team. ⋯ Patient-specific rehearsal was rated highly for both face and content validity. Access strategy, endovascular material use and angiographic imaging were all replicated effectively, although certain biomechanical vessel properties seemed to be replicated to a lesser degree. Patient-specific rehearsal constitutes a unique tool that may help tailor endovascular material choice, and optimize the preoperative preparation of the interventionalist and team.