The British journal of surgery
Multicenter Study Comparative Study Observational Study
Failure-to-rescue and interprovider comparisons after elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
The use of postoperative complication rates to derive metrics such as failure-to-rescue (FTR) is of increasing interest in assessing the quality of care. The aim of this study was to quantify FTR rates for elective abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair in England using administrative data, and to examine its validity against case-note review. ⋯ Postoperative complication and FTR rates after elective AAA repair can be derived from HES data. However, use of the metric for interprovider comparisons should be done cautiously, and only with concurrent case-note validation given the degree of miscoding identified.
Review Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis of the effect of postoperative in-hospital morbidity on long-term patient survival.
Major surgery is associated with high rates of postoperative complications, many of which are deemed preventable. It has been suggested that these complications not only present a risk to patients in the short term, but may also reduce long-term survival. The aim of this review was to examine the effects of postoperative complications on long-term survival. ⋯ Postoperative complications have a negative effect on long-term survival. This relationship appears to be stronger for infectious complications.
Excess adiposity is a risk factor for incidence of several gastrointestinal cancers, but it is unclear how these epidemiological observations translate into clinical practice. ⋯ A large volume of evidence demonstrates that body mass index (BMI), as an approximation for general adiposity, is a risk factor for the development of oesophageal adenocarcinoma, and colorectal, hepatocellular, gallbladder and pancreatic cancers. A smaller volume of evidence demonstrates that indices of increased central adiposity (such as waist circumference) are associated with increased risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma and colorectal cancer, but these indices are not necessarily better predictors of risk compared with BMI. Several biological mechanisms may explain these associations but each hypothesis has several caveats and weaknesses. There are few data that convincingly demonstrate significant reductions in risk of gastrointestinal cancers following weight-reducing strategies. In turn, there are many methodological pitfalls in this literature, which prevent conclusive interpretation. The lack of robust intermediary obesity-related biomarkers is an additional unresolved challenge for prevention trials. Novel underpinning mechanisms (for example, local ectopic fat) and more accurate methods to measure these intermediaries are sought and explored as the most optimistic research strategies for the future.
Systematic review of methodological quality of individual performance measurement in surgery.
Calls for greater transparency with improved quality, safety and outcomes have led to performance tracking of individual surgeons. This study evaluated the methodology of studies investigating individual performance in surgery. ⋯ There exist substantial shortcomings in methodological quality, outcome measurements and quality improvement evaluation among current studies of individual surgical performance. Methodological guidelines should be established to ensure that assessments are valid.