The British journal of surgery
Multiple treatment options are generally available for most diseases. Shared decision-making (SDM) helps patients and physicians choose the treatment option that best fits a patient's preferences. This review aimed to assess the extent to which SDM is applied during surgical consultations, and the metrics used to measure SDM and SDM-related outcomes. ⋯ At present, SDM in surgery is still in its infancy, although surgeons and patients both think of it favourably. Future studies should evaluate the effect of new interventions to improve SDM during surgical consultations, and its assessment using available standardized and validated metrics.
Lateral nodal disease in rectal cancer remains a subject of debate and is treated differently in the East and the West. The predictive value of lateral lymph node and MRI-detected extramural vascular invasion (mrEMVI) features on oncological outcomes was assessed in this study. ⋯ Although lateral nodal disease is more a local problem, mrEMVI mainly predicts distant recurrence. The results of this study showed an unacceptably high local recurrence rate in patients with a short axis of 10 mm or more, despite neoadjuvant (chemo)radiotherapy.
Popliteal artery aneurysms (PAAs) comprise up to 85 per cent of all peripheral aneurysms. Few longitudinal studies track their progression. This study aimed to track the growth of asymptomatic PAAs in a hospital-based ultrasound service, and compare models of aneurysm growth. ⋯ Growth rates of PAA were heterogeneous but were optimally predicted by multilevel modelling. Patients with an existing AAA may have faster PAA progression than those without.
Acquiring new motor skills to learn complex movements and master the use of a diverse range of instruments is fundamental for developing expertise in surgery. Although aspects of skill development occur through trial and error, watching the performance of another individual (action observation) is an increasingly important adjunct for the acquisition of these complex skills before performing a procedure. The aim of this review was to examine the evidence in support of the use of action observation in surgery. ⋯ Observational learning is an effective method for learning surgical skills. An improved understanding of observational learning may further inform the refinement and use of these methods in contemporary surgical training curricula.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Current practice and short-term outcomes of therapeutic mammaplasty in the international TeaM multicentre prospective cohort study.
Therapeutic mammaplasty, which combines breast reduction and mastopexy techniques with tumour excision, may extend the boundaries of breast-conserving surgery and improve outcomes for patients, but current practice is unknown and high-quality outcome data are lacking. This prospective multicentre cohort study aimed to explore the practice and short-term outcomes of the technique. ⋯ Therapeutic mammaplasty is a safe and effective alternative to mastectomy or standard breast-conserving surgery. Further work is required to explore the impact of the technique on quality of life, and to establish cost-effectiveness.