The British journal of surgery
Technical skill acquisition is important in surgery specialty training. Despite an emphasis on competency-based training, few tools are currently available for direct technical skills assessment at the completion of training. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a simulated technical skill examination for graduating (postgraduate year (PGY)5) general surgery trainees. ⋯ A summative general surgery technical skills examination was developed with reliability indices within the range needed for high-stakes assessments. Further evaluation is required before the examination can be used in decisions regarding certification.
Prediction model and web-based risk calculator for postoperative ileus after loop ileostomy closure.
Postoperative ileus (POI) is a significant complication after loop ileostomy closure given both its frequency and impact on the patient. The purpose of this study was to develop and externally validate a prediction model for POI after loop ileostomy closure. ⋯ A prediction model was developed for POI after loop ileostomy closure and included five variables. The model maintained good performance on external validation.
Despite advances in the rates of total mesorectal excision (TME) for rectal cancer surgery, decreased local recurrence rates and increased 5-year survival, there still exists large variation in the quality of treatment received. Up to 30 per cent of rectal cancers are locally advanced at presentation and approximately 5-10 per cent still breach the mesorectal plane and invade adjacent structures despite neoadjuvant therapy. With the evolution of extended resections for rectal cancers beyond the TME plane, proponents advocate that these resections should be performed only in specialist centres. The aim was to assess the prognostic factors and patterns of failure after beyond TME surgery for T4 rectal cancers. ⋯ This study has demonstrated that a coordinated approach in specialist centres for beyond TME surgery can offer good oncological and long-term survival in patients with T4 rectal cancers.
The length of tumour-vein contact between the portal-superior mesenteric vein (PV/SMV) and pancreatic head cancer, and its relationship to prognosis in patients undergoing pancreatic surgery, remains controversial. ⋯ The length of PV/SMV contact predicts survival, and may be used to suggest a role for neoadjuvant therapy to improve prognosis.