The British journal of surgery
Two cases of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis are reported in Negroes. The clinical findings are similar to those in previously reported cases. In 1 case nephrolithotomy was followed by the development of a perinephric abcess 8 months later. Late diagnosis has limited experience with more conservative management, which should be reserved for demonstrably focal disease.
A series of 29 femoropopliteal bypass operations is described. The patients were selected carefully to exclude those with clinical and aortographic evidence of aorto-iliac disease. ⋯ There was a highly significant difference in the result of the operation between patients with a pulsatility index of 4 or more in the common femoral artery and patients with a pulsatility index of less than 4. We concluded that calculation of this pulsatility index provides useful additional evidence when selecting patients suitable for a femoropopliteal bypass.
A series of 82 kidney allografts and autografts in unimmunosuppressed pigs surviving for longer than 5 days has been compared with a previously reported series of 24 unimmunosuppressed pig kidney allografts. In the previous series 40 per cent survived for longer than 20 days. In the present series only 2 per cent of 55 transplants performed in cross-bred pigs obtained from different farms survived for longer than 20 days. ⋯ Therefore the pig kidney allograft model is an unsatisfactory model in which to study immunosuppressive régimes. Also the unimmunosuppressed pig appears to show less evidence of kidney allograft rejection than the dog, irrespective of genetic disparity. It is tentatively suggested that this might be a lesser manifestation of the unexplained phenomenon of minimal rejection of liver allografts noted in unimmunosuppressed pigs.
The results of extended deep femoral angioplasty (EDFA) have been alaysed for 74 legs in 72 patients. In 69 per cent a femoropopliteal bypass would have been possible, so DEFA is considered here as an alternative operation. The success rate was 66-9 per cent, the failure rate 25-6 per cent and no effect was achieved in 7-5 per cent. ⋯ Claudication and rest pain were the most relieved by EDFA, followed by isachaemic ulceration of the leg. Gangrene of digits was helped but less than had been hoped. We conclude that the indications for femoropopliteal bypass are limited to cases of digital gangrene where angiography shows that bypass is possible or where an EDFA operation has failed.
Peripheral lymphadenitis is a leading manifestation of tuberculosis. Among the Igbos, who constitute one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria, it presents most commonly in the neck, as in other parts of the world. ⋯ The maximal incidence occurs in the 10-29-year age group, males outnumbering females slightly. It is only the 40-59-year range that tuberculosis is less common than lymphoma or carcinoma of the peripheral lymph nodes.