The British journal of surgery
Review Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis of the prognostic value of CpG island methylator phenotype in gastric cancer.
CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) has been identified as a distinct molecular subtype of gastric cancer, yet associations with survival are conflicting. A meta-analysis was performed to estimate the prognostic significance of CIMP. ⋯ There was heterogeneity in the gene panels used to identify CIMP, which may explain the survival differences.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Risk score to predict biliary leakage after elective liver resection.
Biliary leakage remains a major cause of morbidity after liver resection. Previous prognostic studies of posthepatectomy biliary leakage (PHBL) lacked power, population homogeneity, and model validation. The present study aimed to develop a risk score for predicting severe PHBL. ⋯ The present risk score reliably predicts severe PHBL. It represents a multi-institutionally validated prognostic tool that can be used to identify a subset of patients at high risk of severe PHBL after elective hepatectomy.
Patients with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer and a CDH1 mutation have a 60-80 per cent lifetime risk of developing diffuse gastric cancer. Total prophylactic gastrectomy eliminates this risk, but is associated with considerable morbidity. The effectiveness (removal of all gastric mucosa) and outcomes of this procedure were evaluated retrospectively. ⋯ The considerable morbidity and functional consequences of gastrectomy should be considered when counselling individuals with an inherited predisposition to diffuse gastric cancer. Intraoperative frozen-section examination is recommended to remove all risk-bearing gastric mucosa.
A comprehensive assessment has not been undertaken of long-term outcomes in children carrying germline RET mutations and undergoing prophylactic thyroidectomy with the aim of preventing medullary thyroid cancer (MTC). ⋯ Early prophylactic thyroidectomy is a viable surgical concept in experienced hands, sparing older children the postoperative morbidity associated with delayed neck surgery.