The British journal of surgery
Tumour rupture is a risk factor for recurrence of gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST). In this study, patterns of recurrence after potential tumour seeding were investigated, and a new definition of tumour rupture, based on major and minor defects of tumour integrity, is proposed. ⋯ Recurrence rates were increased after major, but not minor tumour ruptures.
The effect of decompressive laparotomy on outcomes in patients with abdominal compartment syndrome has been poorly investigated. The aim of this prospective cohort study was to describe the effect of decompressive laparotomy for abdominal compartment syndrome on organ function and outcomes. ⋯ Decompressive laparotomy reduced IAP and had an immediate effect on organ function. It should be considered in patients with abdominal compartment syndrome.
Review Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis of the concordance of histological grade of breast cancer between core needle biopsy and surgical excision specimen.
With the increasing use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and minimally invasive ablative therapy in breast cancer, pretreatment assessment of tumour grade on core needle biopsy (CNB) is increasingly needed. However, grading on CNB is possibly less accurate than grading based on the surgical excision specimen. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature was conducted to derive a reliable estimate of the agreement in tumour grading between CNB and subsequent surgical excision. ⋯ Grading on CNB corresponds moderately with grading based on excision specimens, with underestimation in about one in five patients. Incorrect CNB tumour grading has limited clinical implications, as multiple factors influence decision-making for adjuvant systemic therapy.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Randomized multicentre trial comparing external and internal pancreatic stenting during pancreaticoduodenectomy.
There is no consensus on the best method of preventing postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). This multicentre, parallel group, randomized equivalence trial investigated the effect of two ways of pancreatic stenting after PD on the rate of POPF. ⋯ External stenting after PD was associated with a higher rate of clinically relevant POPF than internal stenting. Registration number: NCT01023594 (