The British journal of surgery
Histological characteristics are important when making a decision on adjuvant systemic treatment in breast cancer. Preoperative assessments of core needle biopsy (CNB) specimens are becoming increasingly relevant as novel minimally invasive ablative techniques are introduced, because a surgical specimen is no longer obtained with these methods. The clinical impact of potential underestimation of tumour grade on preoperative CNB on clinical decision-making was evaluated. ⋯ The substantial discordance in tumour grading between CNB and resection specimens from breast cancer affects the indication for adjuvant therapy in only a small minority of patients with invasive ductal carcinoma. Assessment of tumour grade by CNB is feasible and accurate for the planning of postoperative treatment.
Box trainer systems have been developed that include advanced skills such as suturing. There is still a need for a portable, cheap training and testing system for basic laparoscopic techniques that can be used across different specialties before performing supervised surgery on patients. The aim of this study was to establish validity evidence for the Training and Assessment of Basic Laparoscopic Techniques (TABLT) test, a tablet-based training system. ⋯ TABLT can be used for the assessment of basic laparoscopic skills and can help novice surgical trainees in different specialties gain basic laparoscopic competencies.
Review Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis of surgical outcome after enucleation versus standard resection for pancreatic neoplasms.
Pancreatic enucleation is a tissue-sparing approach to pancreatic neoplasms and may result in better postoperative pancreatic function than standard pancreatic resection. The objective of this review was to compare the postoperative outcome after pancreatic enucleation versus standard resection. ⋯ Compared with standard resection, pancreatic enucleation can be performed effectively and with comparable safety in high-volume institutions. Enucleation should be considered instead of standard resection for selected pancreatic neoplasms.