The British journal of surgery
Multicenter Study
Risk factors and consequences of conversion in laparoscopic major liver resection.
Although recent reports have suggested potential benefits of the laparoscopic approach in patients requiring major hepatectomy, it remains unclear whether conversion to open surgery could offset these advantages. This study aimed to determine the risk factors for and postoperative consequences of conversion in patients undergoing laparoscopic major hepatectomy (LMH). ⋯ Conversion during LMH should be anticipated in patients with raised BMI, large lesions and biliary reconstruction. Conversion does not lead to increased morbidity compared with planned laparotomy.
Observational Study
Plasma thrombospondin 1 as a predictor of postoperative liver dysfunction.
Liver regeneration following liver resection involves a complex interplay of growth factors and their antagonists. Thrombospondin 1 has recently been identified as a critical inhibitor of liver regeneration by the activation of transforming growth factor β1 in mice, and preliminary data seem to confirm its relevance in humans. This study aimed to confirm these observations in an independent validation cohort. ⋯ Thrombospondin 1 may prove a helpful clinical marker to predict postoperative liver dysfunction as early as postoperative day 1.
MicroRNAs are crucial in the regulation of cardiovascular disease and represent potential therapeutic targets to decrease abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) expansion. The aim of this study was to identify circulating microRNAs associated with AAA. ⋯ In this study, circulating levels of let-7e, miR-15a, miR-196b and miR-411 were differentially expressed in men with an AAA compared with healthy controls, but also differentially expressed in men with PAD. Modulation of these miRNAs and their target genes may represent a new therapeutic pathway to affect the progression of AAA and atherosclerosis.
The optimal technique for curative resection of colonic cancer includes high ligation of the mesenteric vessels, wide excision of the colonic mesentery and prevention of tumour cell spillage. This article reports results from the authors' institution for patients in whom complete mesocolic excision was performed long before the term was coined. ⋯ These data define modern results of surgery for colonic cancer with conservative use of chemotherapy.
Laparoscopic major hepatectomy (LMH) is evolving as an important surgical approach in hepatopancreatobiliary surgery. The present study aimed to evaluate the learning curve for LMH at a single centre. ⋯ The learning curve for LMH consisted of three characteristic phases identified by CUSUM analysis. The data suggest that the learning phase of LMH included 45 to 75 patients.