The British journal of surgery
Multicenter Study
Conditions, preventable deaths, procedures and validation of a countrywide survey of surgical care in Nepal.
To determine a true denominator of worldwide surgical need, it is imperative to include estimations at a population-based level, to capture those individuals unable to access surgical care. This study was designed to validate the Surgeons OverSeas Assessment of Surgical need (SOSAS) tool with the addition of a visual physical examination, and describe the prevalence of surgical conditions, deaths possibly averted with access to surgical care, and the number of surgical procedures performed annually, in Nepal. ⋯ The visual physical examination component validated the SOSAS tool, and justified the estimates of previous studies in Sierra Leone and Rwanda. These data provide insights into the health needs of Nepal and provide evidence to develop surgical programmes, assist with monitoring and evaluation, and help with advocacy for increased resources in Nepal.
Multicenter Study
Determinants of improved survival after oesophagectomy for cancer.
Survival after oesophagectomy for cancer seems to be improving. This study aimed to identify the most important contributors to this change. ⋯ The observed increase in long-term survival after surgery for oesophageal cancer between 1999 and 2010 in the Netherlands is difficult to explain fully, although the recent increase seems to be partly attributable to the introduction of neoadjuvant therapy.
Multicenter Study
Outcome after surgical resection for duodenal adenocarcinoma in the UK.
Factors influencing long-term outcome after surgical resection for duodenal adenocarcinoma are unclear. ⋯ Resection of duodenal adenocarcinoma in specialist centres is associated with good long-term survival. Lymphovascular invasion and nodal metastases are independent prognostic indicators.
Intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) constitutes a paradigm shift from the conventional 3-5 weeks of whole-breast external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). IORT enables delivery of radiation at the time of excision of the breast tumour, targeting the area at highest risk of recurrence, while minimizing excessive radiation exposure to healthy breast tissue. The rationale for IORT is based on the observation that over 90 per cent of local recurrences after breast-conserving surgery occur at or near the original operation site. ⋯ Longer follow-up data from existing trials, optimization of patient criteria and cost-effectiveness analyses are needed. Based on the current evidence, IORT can be offered as an alternative to EBRT to selected patients within agreed protocols, and outcomes should be monitored within national registries.
There are many controversies related to bariatric surgery. This review explores selected areas. ⋯ Metabolic surgery is an increasingly preferred term rather than bariatric or obesity surgery. Reporting should be standardized to include appropriate weight measures, valid disease measures and data on loss to follow-up. There are many putative mechanisms of effect of key bariatric procedures, but satiety and early satiation appear central. Weight loss must be durable. Long-term outcome studies (more than 10-year follow-up) show that biliopancreatic diversion is most effective, with 72 per cent excess weight loss (EWL). Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) are equally effective, with 54 per cent EWL. There are no long-term data on vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Type II diabetes is a common and serious disease, usually associated with increased weight. Multiple RCTs have shown that bariatric surgery provides clear benefits over continuing with non-surgical therapies. The earlier the treatment, the more likely and durable will be the remission. Bariatric surgery should be available to all who are obese (body mass index over 30 kg/m(2) ). LAGB, a safe, effective, reversible outpatient procedure, is the author's preferred primary option.