The British journal of surgery
Communication is extremely important to ensure safe and effective clinical practice. A systematic literature review of observational studies addressing communication in the operating theatre was conducted. The focus was on observational studies alone in order to gain an understanding of actual communication practices, rather than what was reported through recollections and interviews. ⋯ Communication was shown to affect operating theatre practices in all of the studies reviewed. Further detailed observational research is needed to gain a better understanding of how to improve the working environment and patient safety in theatre.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Randomized clinical trial of fluid and salt restriction compared with a controlled liberal regimen in elective gastrointestinal surgery.
Excessive intravenous fluid prescription may play a causal role in postoperative complications following major gastrointestinal resectional surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate whether fluid and salt restriction would decrease postoperative complications compared with a more modern controlled liberal regimen. ⋯ ISRCTN39295230 (
Randomized Controlled Trial
Randomized clinical trial of intraoperative superficial cervical plexus block versus incisional local anaesthesia in thyroid and parathyroid surgery.
Moderate wound pain and opiate analgesia requirement is reported following thyroid and parathyroid surgery. A randomized clinical trial was performed to investigate whether intraoperative superficial cervical plexus block (SCPB) would decrease postoperative pain and analgesia use. ⋯ 2009-012671-98 (
Comparative Study
Portal vein embolization improves rate of resection of extensive colorectal liver metastases without worsening survival.
Most patients requiring an extended right hepatectomy (ERH) have an inadequate standardized future liver remnant (sFLR) and need preoperative portal vein embolization (PVE). However, the clinical and oncological impact of PVE in such patients remains unclear. ⋯ PVE enabled curative resection in two-thirds of patients with CLM who had an inadequate sFLR and were unable to tolerate ERH at presentation. Patients who underwent curative resection after PVE had overall and disease-free survival rates equivalent to those of patients who did not need PVE.
Rates of emergency admission with femoral hernia are high compared with those for other hernias. This study aimed to determine the modes and consequences of presentation to primary care before admission to hospital. ⋯ A large proportion of patients with femoral hernia present late to primary care and are operated on as an emergency, with worse outcomes.