Critical care : the official journal of the Critical Care Forum
Echinocandins are indicated as first-line treatment for invasive candidiasis in moderate to severe illness. As sepsis is the main cause of acute kidney injury, the combination of echinocandin treatment and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is common. Optimizing antibiotic dosage in critically ill patients receiving CRRT is challenging. ⋯ Classically, drugs like echinocandins with high protein binding and predominantly non-renal elimination are not removed by CRRT, indicating that no dosage adjustment is required. However, recent studies report different proportions of echinocandins lost by filter adsorption. Nevertheless, the clinical significance of these findings remains unclear.
Letter Multicenter Study
Metabolic alkalosis is the most common acid-base disorder in ICU patients.
Tetanus is becoming rarer in both industrialized and developing nations due to an effective vaccination program. In 2010, the World Health Organization estimated there was a 93% reduction in newborns dying from tetanus worldwide, compared to the situation in the late 1980s. Due to its rarity, many diagnostic delays occur as physicians may not consider the diagnosis until the manifestations become overt. ⋯ It is difficult to conduct trials on different treatment modalities in tetanus due to both logistical and ethical reasons. However, it is imperative that physicians are aware of the best evidence-based treatment strategies currently available to improve the outcome of patients. This review concentrates on analyzing the current evidence on the pharmacological management of tetanus.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Prevalence, predictors and outcome of hypofibrinogenaemia in trauma: a multicentre observational study.
Exsanguination due to trauma-induced coagulopathy is a continuing challenge in emergency trauma care. Fibrinogen is a crucial factor for haemostatic competence, and may be the factor that reaches critically low levels first. Early fibrinogen substitution is advocated by a number of authors. Little evidence exists regarding the indications for fibrinogen supplementation in the acute phase. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of hypofibrinogenaemia in a multi-center trauma population, and to explore how initial fibrinogen concentration relates to outcome. Also, factors contributing to low fibrinogen levels are identified. ⋯ Hypofibrinogenaemia is common in trauma and strongly associated with poor outcome. Below an estimated critical fibrinogen concentration value of 2.29 g/L a dramatic increase in mortality was detected. This finding indicates that the negative impact of low fibrinogen concentrations may have been previously underestimated. A number of clinically identifiable factors are associated with hypofibrinogenaemia. They should be considered in the management of massively bleeding patients. Interventional trials with fibrinogen substitution in high-risk patients need to be undertaken.
Observational Study
Optimal cerebral perfusion pressure in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: an observational case series.
Current guidelines for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) recommend maintaining cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) between 50 and 70 mmHg, depending on the state of autoregulation. We continuously assessed dynamic cerebral autoregulation and the possibility of determination of an optimal CPP (CPPopt) in ICH patients. Associations between autoregulation, CPPopt and functional outcome were explored. ⋯ Failure of pressure reactivity seems common following severe ICH and is associated with unfavorable outcome. Real-time assessment of CPPopt is feasible in ICH and might provide a tool for an autoregulation-oriented CPP management. A larger trial is needed to explore if a CPPopt management results in better functional outcomes.