Critical care : the official journal of the Critical Care Forum
Increasing evidence links advanced glycation end products (AGE) including Nepsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) to the development of heart failure. Accumulation of AGE leads to myocardial inflammation, which is considered as one of the possible mechanisms underlying sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction. We hypothesized that mechanical ventilation (MV) augmented sepsis-induced myocardial CML deposition and inflammation. ⋯ Sepsis induces CML deposition in the heart with a predominant right ventricular inflammation that is significantly augmented by MV, irrespective of the ventilatory strategy.
Patients with sepsis often demonstrate severely impaired immune responses. The hallmark of this state of immunoparalysis is monocytic deactivation characterized by decreased human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR expression and reduced production of proinflammatory cytokines. Recently, diminished numbers of dendritic cells (DCs) were reported in patients with sepsis. However, little is known about DC phenotype and function in human sepsis. We therefore compared phenotypic and functional changes in monocyte and DC subsets in patients with sepsis and immunoparalysis. ⋯ In sepsis, long-lasting functional deactivation is common to all circulating monocyte and DC subsets. In addition to decreased peripheral blood DC counts, functional impairment of antigen-presenting cells may contribute to an impaired antimicrobial defense in sepsis.
Volumetric parameters acquired by transpulmonary thermodilution had been repeatedly proven superior to filling pressures for estimation of cardiac preload. Up to now, the proposed normal ranges were never studied in detail. We investigated the relationship of the global end-diastolic volume (GEDV) acquired by transpulmonary thermodilution with age and gender in awake and spontaneously breathing patients. ⋯ The volumetric parameter GEDV shows a large inter-individual variance and is dependent on age and gender. These dependencies persist after indexing GEDV to body surface area calculated with predicted body weight. Targeting resuscitation using fixed ranges of preload volumes acquired by transpulmonary thermodilution without concern to an individual patient's age and gender seems not to be appropriate.
Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is a fully established treatment for critically ill patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) but there are no scientifically established criteria when to initiate it. Our objectives were to describe the epidemiology of critically ill patients with AKI receiving RRT and to evaluate the relationship between biochemical, physiological and comorbid factors at time of RRT and ICU mortality. ⋯ Oligoanuria, acidosis and concomitant dysfunction of other organs at time of RRT were associated with poor survival. In contrast, serum creatinine and urea levels only had a weak correlation with outcome after RRT.
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) with a helmet device is often associated with poor patient-ventilator synchrony and impaired carbon dioxide (CO2) removal, which might lead to failure. A possible solution is to use a high free flow system in combination with a time-cycled pressure valve placed into the expiratory circuit (HF-BiPAP). This system would be independent from triggering while providing a high flow to eliminate CO2. ⋯ This study demonstrates that in a lung model, the efficiency of NIV by helmet can be improved by using HF-BiPAP. However, it imposes a higher pressure during the expiratory phase. CO2 was almost completely removed with HF-BiPAP during all settings.