Regional anesthesia and pain medicine
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jul 2021
Comment ReviewFascial plane blocks: a narrative review of the literature.
Fascial plane blocks (FPBs) are increasingly numerous and are often touted as effective solutions to many perioperative challenges facing anesthesiologists. As 'new' FPBs are being described, questions regarding their effectiveness remain unanswered as appropriate studies are lacking and publications are often limited to case discussions or technical reports. It is often unclear if newly named FPBs truly represent a novel intervention with new indications, or if these new publications describe mere ultrasound facilitated modifications of existing techniques. ⋯ In addition, we discuss major FPBs of (1) the extremities (2) the posterior torso and (3) the anterior torso. The characteristics, indications and a brief summary of the literature on these blocks is included. Finally, we provide an estimate of the overall level of evidence currently supporting individual approaches as FPBs continue to rapidly evolve.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jul 2021
ReviewMechanisms of action of fascial plane blocks: a narrative review.
Fascial plane blocks (FPBs) target the space between two fasciae, rather than discrete peripheral nerves. Despite their popularity, their mechanisms of action remain controversial, particularly for erector spinae plane and quadratus lumborum blocks. ⋯ Our current understanding of FPB mechanisms supports their demonstrated analgesic efficacy, but also highlights the unpredictability and variability that result from myriad factors at play. Potential strategies to improve efficacy include accurate deposition close to targets of interest, injections of sufficient volume to encourage physical spread by bulk flow, and manipulation of concentration to promote diffusion.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jul 2021
Standardizing nomenclature in regional anesthesia: an ASRA-ESRA Delphi consensus study of abdominal wall, paraspinal, and chest wall blocks.
There is heterogeneity in the names and anatomical descriptions of regional anesthetic techniques. This may have adverse consequences on education, research, and implementation into clinical practice. We aimed to produce standardized nomenclature for abdominal wall, paraspinal, and chest wall regional anesthetic techniques. ⋯ Harmonization and standardization of nomenclature may improve education, research, and ultimately patient care. We present the first international consensus on nomenclature and anatomical descriptions of blocks of the abdominal wall, chest wall, and paraspinal blocks. We recommend using the consensus results in academic and clinical practice.