Regional anesthesia and pain medicine
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jan 2019
ReviewTranexamic acid in total joint arthroplasty: the endorsed clinical practice guides of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Hip Society, and Knee Society.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jan 2019
ReviewGadolinium use for interventional pain procedures: where we are and where we are heading.
In recent years as the use of interventional pain procedures has soared, so too has outside and internal scrutiny. This scrutiny includes agreater emphasis on weighing the risks and benefits of procedures, increased surveillance for adverse events, and cost containment strategies. ⋯ In this issue of Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, Benzon et al. report a series of patients with document edhypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast medium who were inadvertently administered iodine-based contrast without adverse consequences. In this article, we discuss the epidemiology of contrast-mediated adverse effects, the mechanistic basis for hypersensitivity reactions, the risks and benefits of various approaches in the patient with a documented contrast hypersensitivity reaction, and risk mitigation strategies.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jan 2019
ReviewImpact of perioperative pain management on cancer recurrence: an ASRA/ESRA special article.
Cancer causes considerable suffering and 80% of advanced cancer patients experience moderate to severe pain. Surgical tumor excision remains a cornerstone of primary cancer treatment, but is also recognized as one of the greatest risk factors for metastatic spread. ⋯ In the perioperative period, anesthesiologists may have a brief and uniquewindow of opportunity to modulate the unwanted consequences of the stressresponse on the immune system and minimize residual disease. This reviewdiscusses the current research on analgesic therapies and their impact ondisease progression, followed by an evidence-based evaluation of perioperativepain interventions and medications.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Nov 2018
ReviewEsmolol, Antinociception, and Its Potential Opioid-Sparing Role in Routine Anesthesia Care.
β-Adrenergic blockade is an important mechanism for reducing morbidity and mortality in patients with hypertension and heart failure. Esmolol has been used widely for its chronotropic and antihypertensive effects. However, there has been recent inquiry regarding perioperative esmolol use and nociceptive modulation. ⋯ Esmolol, to date, has not shown any direct analgesic or anesthetic properties; however, recent studies suggest that esmolol may have antinociceptive and postoperative opioid-sparing effects. In this Daring Discourse narrative, we describe the role of esmolol in current perioperative β-blockade guidelines (related to noncardiac surgery), briefly describe studies supporting the antinociceptive effects of esmolol, propose mechanisms for esmolol antinociception, and forecast potential routine esmolol use intraoperatively (as part of a multimodal total intravenous anesthetic) and its effects on opioid sparing. The reading audience of regional anesthesiologists and acute pain medicine physicians is uniquely positioned to take a lead role in promulgating this care advance amid (i) the unwanted effects of the opioid epidemic and (ii) the uncertain notion of whether routine general anesthesia care (with fentanyl) may indirectly be contributing to the epidemic.