Regional anesthesia and pain medicine
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jul 2015
ReviewInnervation of the Anterior Capsule of the Human Knee: Implications for Radiofrequency Ablation.
Chronic knee pain is common in all age groups. Some patients who fail conservative therapy benefit from radiofrequency neurotomy. Knowledge of the anatomy is critical to ensure a successful outcome. The purpose of this study was to reanalyze the innervation to the anterior knee capsule from the perspective of the interventional pain practitioner. ⋯ The innervation of the anterior capsule of the knee joint seems to follow a constant pattern making at least 3 of these nerves accessible to percutaneous ablation. To optimize clinical outcome, well-aligned radiographs are critical to guide lesion placement.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · May 2015
ReviewTales From the Wild West of US Drug Pricing: The Case of Intravenous Acetaminophen.
This article aims to discuss and provide insight into the effects of the increased use and price (from $12.43 to $35.40 in 2014) of intravenous acetaminophen, which has rapidly gained acceptance in the field of perioperative medicine. Overall use and characteristics are described for selected surgeries with absolute use particularly high in orthopedic surgeries associated with substantial costs (up to an additional $160,000 per year per hospital for just orthopedic use). The availability of large-scale data on costs and use of intravenous acetaminophen in the United States will greatly benefit the ongoing discussions on its place in current practice.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · May 2015
Review Case ReportsThe parturient with implanted spinal cord stimulator: management and review of the literature.
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an approved treatment for complex regional pain syndrome and other chronic pain conditions. These devices enable women with chronic pain to maintain relatively normal lives, with some encountering pregnancy. Use of previously implanted SCS systems in pregnant women is considered controversial due to lack of long-term prospective studies evaluating both maternal and fetal safety. ⋯ Management approaches and outcomes in our patients, as well as those previously reported are discussed within this article. Definitive conclusions cannot be drawn from this small cohort. We believe that management of a parturient with an implanted SCS requires careful planning between all peripartum physicians.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Mar 2015
Review Meta AnalysisObesity and Chronic Pain: Systematic Review of Prevalence and Implications for Pain Practice.
The combination of obesity and pain may worsen a patient's functional status and quality of life more than each condition in isolation. We systematically searched PubMed/MEDLINE and the Cochrane databases for all reports published on obesity and pain. The prevalence of combined obesity and pain was substantial. ⋯ Screening for obesity, pain-related disability, and behavioral disorders as well as monitoring of functional performance should become routine in pain medicine practices. Such an approach requires additional physician and staff training. Further research should focus on better understanding the interplay between these 2 very common conditions and the development of effective treatment strategies.