Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Jan 2000
Limits of corrected flow time to monitor hemodynamic status in children.
Doppler corrected flow time (i.e., corrected left ventricular ejection time) as a noninvasive tool for assessing hemodynamic changes has been previously reported for adult patients. Its use in paediatrics seems to be worthwhile but no data concerning its accuracy are presently available in this population. The purpose of this work was to study the relationships between corrected flow time (FT) and indices of systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and of myocardial contractility in healthy children. ⋯ These results show that the use of Bazett's formula correct FT could lead to hemodynamic misinterpretations, because it does not rule out all the heart rate effect. Moreover, in healthy children corrected FT appears as an inaccurate index to monitor physiological afterload alterations, because of the involvment of other hemodynamic factors such as contractility in its variation.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jan 2000
Infrared transmission of electronic information via LAN in the operating room.
Recent advances in technology have brought many kinds of monitoring devices into the operating room (OR). The information gathered by monitors can be channeled to the operating ward information system via a local area network (LAN). Connecting patients to monitors and monitors to the LAN, however, requires a large number of cables. ⋯ In our trial, we found no evidence of EMI of IR modems with any of the medical devices we tested. Furthermore, IR modems showed similar performance to a wired system even in an electrically noisy environment. We conclude that IR wireless connectivity can be safely and effectively used in ORs.
New developments in speech interaction technology warrant the assumption that some of the interaction problems at anesthesia workplaces can be solved using speech interaction. One application might be the documentation of the anesthetic procedure. ⋯ Modern speech recognition tools are still not advanced enough to facilitate the design of applications with an almost natural speech interface and widespread user acceptance. Nevertheless, many tasks in anesthesia have the necessary characteristics to be optimally supported by speech interaction. In contrast to earlier approaches to speech-interactive anesthesia workplaces, successful application today depends on the question of design rather than solely on that of technology. Many of the constraints and drawbacks of current technology can be overcome through appropriate design measures. The goals must focus first on identifying task areas in intensive care where speech-interaction can yield real benefit in terms of work efficiency, and second on developing and evaluating an ergonomic design of speech interaction. The intended users seem to look forward to the incorporation of speech interaction at the workplace.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jan 2000
Non-invasive cardiac output monitoring by aortic blood flow measurement with the Dynemo 3000.
The operating principles and methods for the continuous determination of aortic blood flow (ABF) with the Dynemo 3000 system are described in detail. The system uses a novel transesophageal ultrasonic Echo-Doppler probe simultaneously to measure aortic diameter and blood flow velocity at the same anatomic level, in real-time. Non-invasive ABF measurement is combined with vital sign data from standard monitors to provide a composite hemodynamic profile including volume, afterload and contractility data used by the physician to optimize therapy. A review of the clinical validation and comparison to thermodilution measurements showing a significant positive correlation over a wide range of clinical flow situations is also briefly presented.
J Clin Monit Comput · Jan 2000
Determining the artifact sensitivity of recent pulse oximeters during laboratory benchmarking.
This study aimed to investigate and compare the performance of the algorithms contained in the newest generation of pulse oximeters (Masimo SET in IVY2000, Nellcor Oxismart N-3000, Agilent M3 rev. B) against a traditional pulse oximeter (Agilent CMS rel. A.0). ⋯ Very pronounced improvements (between 2.3 and 3.4 fold) on all of the newer devices were found for the pulse rate. The NMC turned out to be a very useful tool for generating a standard signal set for algorithm development and benchmarking purposes that eliminates repetitive clinical testing in early stages. The applicability of its results needs confirmation by clinical live studies.