Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · May 2021
Clinical evaluation of stretchable and wearable inkjet-printed strain gauge sensor for respiratory rate monitoring at different measurements locations.
The respiration rate (RR) is a vital sign in physiological measurement and clinical diagnosis. RR can be measured using stretchable and wearable strain gauge sensors which detect the respiratory movements in the abdomen or thorax areas caused by volumetric changes. In different body locations, the accuracy of RR detection might differ due to different respiratory movement amplitudes. ⋯ All the 30 subjects agreed that diagonal and upper thorax positions were the most uncomfortable and most comfortable locations for measurement, respectively. The IPSG sensor could accurately detect RR at five different locations with good repeatability. Upper thorax was the most comfortable location.
J Clin Monit Comput · May 2021
Observational StudyIndocyanine green dye clearance test: early graft (dys)-function and long-term mortality after liver transplant. Should we continue to use it? An observational study.
Early allograft dysfunction (EAD) can be a serious complication in the immediate postoperative period following liver transplantation. Our aim was to study the prognostic role of the indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate (ICG-PDR) in predicting early and late EAD and mortality at 3 and 12 months and 5 years after liver transplantation. ICG-PDR values were also assessed for association with the Donor Risk Index (DRI). 220 patients underwent orthotopic liver transplantation. ⋯ The sensitivity and specificity of the AUC was good in predicting EAD, being 83% and 56%, respectively, for a 1st PO day ICG-PDR cut-off value < 16%/min. In this study, ICG-PDR on the 1st PO day following OLT can reliably predict EAD and survival at 3 and 12 months and 5 years. ICG-PDR should, therefore, be routinely performed on the 1st PO day following OLTx in all patients in light of its important prognostic role.
J Clin Monit Comput · May 2021
Editorial CommentNon-invasive tools for guiding hemodynamic resuscitation in septic shock: the perfusion vs metabolic issue.
Transcutaneous oxygen pressure reflects the balance between cardiac output, arterial oxygenation, and the metabolic rate of the tissue. In septic shock, it allows a real time assessment of the adequacy of tissue perfusion, and therefore it has been proposed as a non-invasive tool to guide the hemodynamic resuscitation process. However, its value is limited in those situations where cardiac output has been optimized, but tissue dysoxia persists as results of an impairment in oxygen utilization.
J Clin Monit Comput · May 2021
Observational StudyTranscutaneous oxygen pressure-related variables as noninvasive indicators of low lactate clearance in sepsis patients after resuscitation.
The transcutaneous oxygen challenge test (OCT) is associated with central venous oxygen saturation and cardiac output index, and has predictive value for prognosis. Whether the change of transcutaneous oxygen pressure (PtcO2)-related variables can reflect lactate clearance in sepsis patients is worth studying. We conducted a prospective observational study of 79 patients with sepsis or septic shock in the ICU. ⋯ To discriminate low lactate clearance, the area under the ROC curve was largest for ΔPtcO2, which was 0.804. PtcO2 at T6, PtcO2 index, ΔPtcO2, ΔPtcO2 index and Δ10 OCT were significantly different between the two different lactate clearance groups. Low lactate clearance in the initial 6 h of resuscitation of septic shock was associated to lower improvements in PtcO2-related variables.