Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2022
Prediction of sepsis onset in hospital admissions using survival analysis.
To determine the efficacy of modern survival analysis methods for predicting sepsis onset in ICU, emergency, medical/surgical, and TCU departments. We performed a retrospective analysis on ICU, med/surg, ED, and TCU cases from multiple Mercy Health hospitals from August 2018 to March 2020. Patients in these departments were monitored by the Mercy Virtual vSepsis team and sepsis cases were determined and documented in the Mercy EHR via a rule-based engine utilizing clinical data. ⋯ This methodology improves upon previous work by demonstrating excellent model performance when generalizing survival-based prediction methods to both severe sepsis and septic shock as well as non-ICU departments. IRB InformationTrial Registration ID: 1,532,327-1. Trial Effective Date: 12/02/2019.
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2022
Right ventricular and pulmonary artery pulse pressure variation and systolic pressure variation for the prediction of fluid responsiveness: an interventional study in coronary artery bypass surgery patients.
Predicting fluid responsiveness is essential when treating surgical or critically ill patients. When using a pulmonary artery catheter, pulse pressure variation and systolic pressure variation can be calculated from right ventricular and pulmonary artery pressure waveforms. ⋯ Right ventricular and pulmonary artery pulse pressure variation and systolic pressure variation seem to be weak predictors of fluid responsiveness in CABG surgery patients.
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2022
Comment LetterBesdata Video Laryngeal Mask (BD-VLM)- a New Vision-Incorporated 3rd Generation Video Laryngeal Mask Airway : Dear editor.
Since the recent editorial 2, we were approached to evaluate another video laryngeal mask airway - the Besdata Video Laryngeal Mask (BD-VLM) TM, which has a different design concept, specifications and characteristics (Figure 1) compared to the other two.
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2022
Prospective validation of gas man simulations of sevoflurane in O2/air over a wide fresh gas flow range.
The use of inhaled anesthetics has come under increased scrutiny because of their environmental effects. This has led to a shift where sevoflurane in O2/air has become the predominant gas mixture to maintain anesthesia. To further reduce environmental impact, lower fresh gas flows (FGF) should be used. ⋯ During the first 15 min, MDPE and MDAPE were 7% [- 6, 28] and 13% [6, 32], respectively, and during the last 45 min - 1% [- 5, 5] and 5% [2, 9], respectively. In conclusion, Gas Man® predicts FETsevo in O2/air in adults over a wide range of FGF and vaporizer settings using different workstations with both MDPE and MDAPE < 10% during the first hour of anesthesia, with better relative performance for simulating maintenance than wash-in. In the authors' opinion, this degree of performance suffices for Gas Man® to be used to quantify the environmental impact of FGF reduction in real life practice of the wash-in and maintenance period combined.
J Clin Monit Comput · Dec 2022
Validity of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography-determined dynamic cerebral autoregulation estimated using transfer function analysis.
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) is used widely to evaluate dynamic cerebral autoregulation (dCA). However, the validity of TCD-determined dCA remains unknown because TCD is only capable of measuring blood velocity and thus only provides an index as opposed to true blood flow. To test the validity of TCD-determined dCA, in nine healthy subjects, dCA was evaluated by transfer function analysis (TFA) using cerebral blood flow (CBF) or TCD-measured cerebral blood velocity during a perturbation that induces reductions in TCD-determined dCA, lower body negative pressure (LBNP) at two different stages: LBNP - 15 mmHg and - 50 mmHg. ⋯ In addition, the ICA Q-determined TFA LF ngain from rest to LBNP50 was significantly correlated with TCD-determined TFA LF ngain (r = 0.460, P = 0.016) despite a low intraclass correlation coefficient. Moreover, in the Bland-Altman analysis, the difference in the TFA LF ngains determined by blood flow and velocity was within the margin of error, indicating that the two measurement methods can be interpreted as equivalent. These findings suggest that TCD-determined dCA can be representative of actual dCA evaluated with CBF.