Journal of clinical monitoring and computing
J Clin Monit Comput · Feb 2024
Randomized Controlled TrialWireless patient monitoring and Efficacy Safety Score in postoperative treatment at the ward: evaluation of time consumption and usability.
To evaluate objective time consumption and how nurses perceived introducing wireless patient monitoring (WPM) and a validated score on patient quality and safety, the Efficacy Safety Score (ESS), at a mixed surgery ward. After fulfilling a randomised controlled trial combining the ESS and WPM, we addressed time consumption and conducted a questionnaire survey among nurses who participated in the study. The questionnaire appraised the nurses' evaluation of introducing these tools for postoperative management. Of 28 invited nurses, 24 responded to the questionnaire, and 92% reported the ESS and WPM-systems to increase patient safety and quality of care. 67% felt the intervention took extra time, but objective workload measurements revealed reduced time to 1/3 using ESS and WPM compared to standard manual assessment. Improved confidence when using the systems was reported by 83% and improved working situation by 75%. In a test situation to measure time consumption, the ESS and pre-attached WPM-systems require less time than the conventional standard of care, and may allow for more frequent clinical monitoring at the post-surgical ward. The combination of the ESS and the WPM systems was perceived as positive by participating nurses and further clinical development and research is warranted.
J Clin Monit Comput · Feb 2024
Changes in motor evoked potentials after erector spinae block in scoliosis surgery-when to take pre-incision baseline recordings?
Multimodal intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) is highly valuable in scoliosis surgeries for monitoring spinal cord function, particularly during instrumentation. Accurate timing of baseline recordings of TcMEP and SSEP is crucial, as any changes observed during surgery and instrumentation are compared to these baseline recordings. ⋯ Remarkably, SSEPs remained unchanged during this period. These findings suggest that USG-ESPB may produce TcMEP changes, highlighting the importance of carefully considering the timing of baseline TcMEP acquisition in scoliosis surgery.
J Clin Monit Comput · Feb 2024
Review Meta AnalysisIntraoperative individualization of positive-end-expiratory pressure through electrical impedance tomography or esophageal pressure assessment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
This systematic review of randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) with meta-analyses aimed to compare the effects on intraoperative arterial oxygen tension to inspired oxygen fraction ratio (PaO2/FiO2), exerted by positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) individualized trough electrical impedance tomography (EIT) or esophageal pressure (Pes) assessment (intervention) vs. PEEP not tailored on EIT or Pes (control), in patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic surgery with an open or laparoscopic/robotic approach. ⋯ CRD 42021218306, 30/01/2023.
J Clin Monit Comput · Feb 2024
Observational StudyPostoperative circadian patterns in wearable sensor measured heart rate: a prospective observational study.
This study aimed to describe the 24-hour cycle of wearable sensor-obtained heart rate in patients with deterioration-free recovery and to compare it with patients experiencing postoperative deterioration. ⋯ The postoperative diurnal rhythm of heart rate is disturbed by different types of surgery. Both groups showed recovery of diurnal rhythm but in patients following cancer surgery, both peak and nadir heart rates were higher than in the bariatric surgery group. Especially nadir heart rate was identified as a potential prognostic marker for deterioration after cancer surgery.