Journal of palliative medicine
Background: Legacy-making (i.e., a way for patients with terminal illness to create or do something for others as a means of remembrance) is rising in popularity in palliative medicine, although only one study has examined its impact in a pediatric population. Objective: In response to the gaps in literature, this study (1) examines the impact of legacy artwork on bereaved caregivers' psychological functioning and grief and (2) compares caregivers' perceptions of support provided by the hospital throughout their child's cancer journey between the intervention and control groups. Methods: Forty-four caregivers whose children died of cancer completed a demographic questionnaire specifically created for this study, the Brief Symptom Inventory-18, and the Prolonged Grief Disorder-13. They also answered questions regarding supportive services provided to them toward the end of the child's life, at the time of death, and after the child's death. Those caregivers who endorsed participating in legacy artwork were identified as the intervention group, whereas those who did not were classified as the control group. Results: There were no significant differences in psychological functioning among caregivers who participated in legacy artwork versus those who did not participate. However, caregivers who created legacy artwork with their child reported significantly less symptoms of prolonged grief and a greater perception of support from health care providers compared with caregivers who did not engage in this activity. Conclusion: Although preliminary, these findings suggest that legacy artwork may have the potential to improve grief and overall satisfaction of support from the hospital in bereaved caregivers.
Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is rising with an increased risk of developing it as a person ages. Therefore, more persons will have comorbid DM throughout their health journey and are potentially prone to unpleasant symptoms associated with poor glycemic control at the end of life (EOL). We performed an in-depth literature review to examine evidence-based recommendations on DM management at the EOL. Design: A librarian-assisted systematic and gray literature search was performed in electronic clinical databases and Google™ for diabetes management articles (DMAs). ⋯ For the six included CPGs, the AGREE II "Rigour of Development" domain scores ranged from 6% to 34%. We found no high-quality evidence for DM management at the EOL. Treatment recommendations were based primarily on expert opinion (level IV evidence). Conclusions: Higher quality studies are required to inform a standardized approach to the management of DM at the EOL.
Comparative Study
Early Integrated Telehealth versus In-Person Palliative Care for Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer: A Study Protocol.
Introduction: Early palliative care (PC) integrated with oncology care improves quality of life (QOL), depression symptoms, illness understanding, and end-of-life (EOL) care for patients with advanced lung cancer. The aims of this trial are to compare the effect of delivering early integrated PC through telehealth versus in-person on patient and caregiver outcomes. We hypothesize that both modalities for delivering early PC would be equivalent for improving patient QOL, communication about EOL care preferences with their oncologist, and length of stay in hospice. Methods: For this comparative effectiveness trial, we will enroll and randomize 1250 adult patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC), who are not being treated with curative intent, to receive either early integrated telehealth or in-person PC at 20 cancer centers throughout the United States. ⋯ To test equivalence in outcomes between study groups, we will compute analysis of covariance and mixed linear models, controlling for baseline scores and study site. Study Implementation and Stakeholder Engagement: To ensure that this comparative effectiveness trial and findings are as patient centered and meaningful as possible, we have incorporated a robust patient and stakeholder engagement plan. Our stakeholder partners include (1) patients/families, (2) PC clinicians, (3) telehealth experts and clinician users, (4) representatives from health care systems and medical insurance providers, and (5) health care policy makers and advocates. These stakeholders will inform and provide feedback about every phase of study implementation.
Comparative Study
Effects of a Population Health Community-Based Palliative Care Program on Cost and Utilization.
Background: New population health community-based models of palliative care can result in more compassionate, affordable, and sustainable high-quality care. Objectives: We evaluated utilization and cost outcomes of a standardized, population health community-based palliative care program provided by nurses and social workers. Design: We conducted a retrospective propensity-adjusted study to quantify cost savings and resource utilization associated with a community-based palliative care program. ⋯ Setting/Subjects: A 30,000-member MA plan and a health system in Central Ohio between October 2015 and June 2016. Results: Members who received community-based palliative care showed a statistically significant 20% reduction in total medical costs ($619 per enrolled member per month), 38% reduction in ICU admissions, 33% reduction in hospital admissions, and 12% reduction in hospital days. Conclusion: A structured nurse and social work model of community-based palliative care using a predictive model to identify MA candidates for intervention can reduce utilization and medical costs.
Case Reports
Just-in-Time Interdisciplinary Education for Hospice Care of Ventricular-Assist Device Patients.
Introduction: Ventricular-assist devices (VADs) offer end-stage heart failure patients a chance to live longer and better. VAD patient numbers are growing, as is the need for their hospice care, whether they die from cardiac or noncardiac causes. But many hospices do not accept VAD patients because of unfamiliarity with the technology. ⋯ S's death followed quickly and peacefully. Our agency now routinely provides hospice care for VAD patients. Discussion: It is increasingly important that hospice agencies accept VAD patients seeking hospice care. By drawing on educational resources available from VAD patients' acute-care hospital-based VAD teams, interdisciplinary education of hospice staff can be accomplished quickly and effectively.