Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
Healthcare providers who use controlling or coercive strategies may compel short-term enactment of HIV and sexually transmitted infection prevention behaviors but may inadvertently undermine their client's motivation to maintain those behaviors in the absence of external pressure. Autonomous motivation refers to the self-emanating and self-determined drive for engaging in health behaviors. It is associated with long-term maintenance of health behaviors. ⋯ We tested these two theorized pathways using secondary data from a longitudinal sample of Black men who have sex with men from across three cities in the US (N = 226). Data from the sample fit the theorized models regarding the pathways by which autonomy support leads to the presence of therapeutic PrEP levels in serum (χ2 = 0.56; RMSEA = 0.04; CFI = .99, TLI = 0.98) and how it also leads to decreased odds of condomless anal intercourse (χ2 = 0.58; RMSEA = 0.03; CFI = 0.99; TLI = 0.98). These findings provide scientific evidence for the utility of self-determination theory as a model to guide intervention approaches to optimize the implementation and impact of PrEP for Black men who have sex with men.
Despite several dimensions of area socioeconomic status (SES), past literature has been dominated by the use of area socioeconomic position. We examined the longitudinal effect of three area SES measures (i.e., socioeconomic position, inequality, and segregation) on obesity. Using longitudinal data from the Fragile Families & Child Wellbeing Study (N = 1493), we estimated a linear mixed model to examine the effect of three time-varying area SES measures on time-varying measures of objectively measured body mass index z-score (BMIz) from ages 5 years to 15 years. ⋯ Area income segregation was associated with greater BMIz (B = 0.08, 95% CI = 0.03, 0.12). No time interaction effect was found for area income inequality and segregation. Results highlight a need for community health policy efforts and evidence-based interventions to address childhood obesity issues in low-SES areas.
Few studies examining the effects of neighborhood exposures have accounted for longitudinal residential history. This study examined associations of body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) with neighborhood-level walkability and poverty, both assessed concurrently and cumulatively in the years leading up to BMI assessment. Participants (N = 808) were from a cohort study of individuals originally recruited from public schools in Seattle, Washington, in fifth grade in 1985. ⋯ When examining point-in-time concurrent walkability and poverty with BMI, adjusted associations were close to the null and non-significant. This study provides evidence for a significant role of cumulative exposure to neighborhood built and socioeconomic environments predicting BMI. It underscores the relative strength and importance of cumulative assessments to capture neighborhood exposure not captured through point-in-time assessments.
Frequent daily discrimination compounds the negative health impacts of those with multiple marginalized identities, including pregnant mothers and their children. We used a dyadic, moderated, mediated model of 296 young, expectant, poor, urban, primarily minority couples. In this study, we explored if a multiple pathway discrimination model explained the relationship between multiple marginalized identities and health (depression and stress). ⋯ Our observations suggest that discrimination's impact on health is experienced during pregnancy and the more marginalized identities one carries, the more impact it may have. Further, having a partner with multiple marginalized identities also impacts the depression and stress reported by women. Inventions to address depression and stress outcomes may be strengthened by considering multiple marginalized identities and include couples.
Sleep disparities in sexual minority male (SMM) populations have received relatively little attention but they may be critical to explaining other health disparities seen among SMM, via neural or hormonal pathways. Recent research suggests that crime may be a psychosocial stressor that contributes to sleep disparities but that finding has been based on subjective measures of crime. We conducted the P18 Neighborhood Study of 250 SMM in New York City, including 211 with adequate GPS tracking data. ⋯ We did not find any associations between violent crime rates in either the activity area or residential area and sleep. Our findings support the conclusion that personal exposure to crime is associated with sleep problems and provide further evidence for the pathway between stress and sleep. The lack of association between neighborhood crime levels and sleep suggests that there must be personal experience with crime and ambient presence is insufficient to produce an effect.