Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
In North America, street youths are generally considered at very high risk of injection drug use. To estimate the incidence rate of injection drug use in this population and to identify predictors of injection drug use, we conducted the present analysis. Among participants to a cohort study initiated in January 1995, we selected subjects who had never injected at study entry and had completed at least one follow-up questionnaire. ⋯ Among the 415 never injectors (mean age at entry 19.5 years), 74 had initiated injection by January 2000 (incidence rate 8.2 per 100 person-years). Independent predictors of initiation were recent episode of homelessness; age younger than 18 years; being tattooed; recently using hallucinogens, heroin, and cocaine/crack/freebase; having a friend who injects drugs; and having ever experienced extrafamilial sexual abuse. This study showed that injection drug use is frequent among street youths, but prevention appears possible.
It is increasingly acknowledged that the process of community involvement is critical to the successful implementation of community-based health interventions. Between 1995 and 1999, a multisectoral intervention called Plan Cayo Hueso was launched in the inner-city community of Cayo Hueso in Havana, Cuba, to address a variety of health determinants. To provide a better understanding of the political structures and processes involved, the Cuban context is described briefly. ⋯ Indeed, Plan Cayo Hueso involved a massive mobilization of international, national, and community resources to address the needs of this community. This, as well as the involvement of community residents in the evaluation process, was seen as resulting in improved social interactions and community well-being and enhanced capacity for future action. While Cuba is unique in many respects, the lessons learned about enhancing community participation in urban health intervention projects, as well as in their evaluation, are applicable worldwide.
Comment Letter Comparative Study
Re: "Named reporting and mandatory partner notification in New York State: the effect on consent for perinatal HIV testing".
Although public health surveillance system data are widely used to describe the epidemiology of communicable disease, occurrence of hepatitis B and C virus (HBV and HCV, respectively) infections may be misrepresented by under-reporting in injection drug users (IDUs). This study was carried out to examine the relationship between HBV and HCV incidence and case-reporting of hepatitis B and C in Seattle IDUs. Names of participants in a Seattle IDU cohort study who acquired HBV or HCV infection over a 12-month follow-up period were compared to a database of persons with acute hepatitis B and C reported to the health department surveillance unit over the same period. ⋯ Of 113 cohort subjects who acquired HBV or HCV, only 2 (1.5%) cases were reported; both had acute hepatitis B. The upper 95% confidence limit for case-reporting of hepatitis C in the cohort was 5.7%, and for hepatitis B, it was 7.5%. In this study, reporting of acute hepatitis in IDUs was extremely low, raising questions regarding the use of community surveillance data to estimate underlying incidence in that population group.
Comparative Study
Incidence of violence against HIV-infected and uninfected women: findings from the HIV Epidemiology Research (HER) study.
The effect of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on the incidence of violence against women was addressed in a prospective cohort of HIV-infected and uninfected women. Participants were enrolled between 1993 and 1995 in four US cities and followed up semiannually through 1998. Among 1,087 women with a total accrual of 2,988 person-years (PY) of follow-up, there were 185 reports of abuse (incidence rate = 6.19 per 100 PY). ⋯ In multivariate analysis, being separated or divorced, having a history of abuse in adulthood, using marijuana, using crack, and having multiple sex partners were each significantly associated with an elevated abuse rate; being older was inversely associated with abuse. Among HIV-infected women, those with fewer CD4+ cells/ micro L continued to show a decreased abuse rate (hazard ratio = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.36, 0.82) after adjustment for these factors. It is important to complement existing and future HIV prevention and intervention strategies with efforts to reduce violence against women.