Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
Despite evidence of the link between STI and HIV transmission, STI rates remain alarmingly high, particularly among racial/ethnic minorities. This study examined the relationship between earlier STI diagnoses (gonorrhea and chlamydia) and future STI acquisition and its implications for HIV prevention among a sample of urban Black men who have sex with men (Black MSM). Data from a cohort of 600 Black MSM (15-29 years of age) residing in a medium-size Southern city enrolled in a HIV prevention intervention were analyzed. ⋯ Screening guidelines should be expanded to include testing for extragenital infection. STI screening and treatment and counseling programs should be culturally appropriate to account for the unique needs and the social and environmental context of the population. Additional research is needed to design STI prevention interventions that address social and environmental factors to reduce sexual risk behaviors that increase HIV vulnerability for Black MSM.
Comparative Study
Neighborhood and Network Characteristics and the HIV Care Continuum among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men.
In order for treatment as prevention to work as a national strategy to contain the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States (US), the HIV care continuum must become more robust, retaining more individuals at each step. The majority of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the US are gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). Within this population, there are distinct race- and ethnicity-based disparities in rates of HIV infection, engagement, and retention in HIV care, and viral suppression. ⋯ To inform multi-level and multi-component interventions, particularly to support Black MSM living in urban areas, a clearer understanding of the pathways of influence among factors at various levels of the social ecology is required. Here, we review and apply the empirical literature and relevant theoretical perspectives to develop a series of potential pathways of influence that may be further evaluated. Results of research based on these pathways may provide insights into the design of interventions, urban planning efforts, and assessments of program implementation, resulting in increased retention in care, ART adherence, and viral suppression among urban-dwelling, HIV-infected MSM.
Despite the approval of PrEP for adolescents by the FDA in 2018, little is known about the awareness and attitudes about PrEP use among adolescent sexual minority males, who are at the greatest risk for HIV. We analyzed baseline data from the MyPEEPS Mobile study, a multi-site randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of a mobile behavioral HIV prevention intervention. ⋯ On the other hand, only about one third (34.6%) of participants indicated that taking a daily HIV pill would be "very" or "completely" effective in preventing HIV when having sex without a condom. These findings suggest that high awareness and willingness to use PrEP across various adolescent subgroups present opportunities for increased PrEP advocacy among this young age group.
Young black men who have sex with men (YBMSM) and young black transgender women (TGW) have experienced a stark disparity in HIV prevention and care. Resilience, collective resources to adapt stressors or adversities, may improve HIV prevention and care outcomes. The present study investigated the association of resilience-based factors with PrEP uptake and viral suppression from a socioecological perspective among YBMSM and young black TGW. ⋯ Among HIV-positive participants, confidant network members' awareness of an individual's HIV status was associated with viral suppression. Social support resources from confidant networks could improve HIV prevention and care engagement among YBMSM and young black TGW. Understanding the social and environmental contexts of resilience resource is critical for HIV prevention and care engagement.
Comparative Study
Geographic Mobility, Place Attachment, and the Changing Geography of Sex among African American and Latinx MSM Who Use Substances in Los Angeles.
The places that people go and interact with others, along with the characteristics of those places, determine degrees of sexual health risk and concomitant prevention opportunities for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). The objective of this paper is to use syndemic theory to guide analyses of 20 in-depth interviews with African American and Hispanic/Latinx MSM living in Los Angeles. We describe the places in which African American and Latinx MSM interviewees live and socialize, and how these places influence sexual behavior, drug use, and access to health care. ⋯ Significant instability in home life and varying forms of mobility and risk-taking were a response to cumulative disadvantage and intersecting structural forces including poverty, racism, and homophobia. Our results strongly suggest that geographic mobility is a syndemic factor for HIV risk among MSM in Los Angeles, as mobility amplified negative impacts of other syndemic factors. Innovative place-interventions to reduce HIV incidence and disparities in HIV need to acknowledge the synergistic factors that drive higher HIV incidence among AA and Latinx MSM.