Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an age-dependent neurodegenerative condition that causes a progressive decline in cognitive function. Accumulation of amyloid β-protein (Aβ) in the brain is a prominent feature of AD and related disorders. However, the levels of Aβ accumulation alone are not a reliable predictor of cognitive deficits. ⋯ At 3 months of age, Tg-SwDI mice with onset of cerebral microvascular amyloid were behaviorally impaired, while the Tg-5xFAD, which had disproportionately higher levels of total Aβ, soluble oligomeric Aβ, and parenchymal amyloid were not. However, at 6 months of age, behavioral deficits for both groups of transgenic mice were evident, as the levels of Aβ pathologies in the Tg-5xFAD accumulated to extremely high amounts. The present findings suggest early-onset cerebral microvascular amyloid deposition, that precedes high parenchymal levels of Aβ, may be an important early factor in the development of cognitive deficits.
Review Meta Analysis
Efficacy and safety of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The role of currently available drugs for Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been controversial, with some national formularies restricting their use, and health economists questioning whether the small clinical effects are economically worthwhile. ⋯ Cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine are able to stabilize or slow decline in cognition, function, behavior, and global change.
Apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) has been considered to have detrimental effects on the age of onset and progression in Alzheimer's disease. Evidence continues to accumulate regarding the effects of ApoE isoforms in a number of other neurological diseases. ⋯ It further provides evidence of the effect neuroinflammation has in increasing susceptibility to cognitive decline in younger patients. Determining where these diverse diseases intersect and diverge in their relationship to ApoE provides insight into the two-hit mechanism in cognitive decline.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major social and clinical burden in the elderly, affecting 5% of people aged over 65 and 20% aged over 80. Despite improved management, a cure has not been found and hence analysis of predisposing factors to identify preventive strategies has become increasingly important. Surgery and anesthesia have been proposed to increase the incidence of post-operative cognitive decline (POCD) and AD. ⋯ Therapeutic success is, however, often not achieved, since these treatment methods do not address the ongoing neuroinflammatory processes and hence novel therapeutic and protective strategies are urgently needed. This review provides an insight into the current understanding of age-related cognitive impairment post-surgery and reflects on novel markers of AD pathogeneses exploring their use as targets for treatment. It gives a summary of recent efforts in preventing and treating POCD or AD with regards to the choice and depth of anesthesia, surgical strategy, and peri-operative medication, and discusses the mechanism of action and therapeutic prospects of novel agents.
Factors associated with initiation of advance care planning in dementia: a systematic review.
Planning ahead may be particularly relevant in dementia considering patients' cognitive decline and difficulty to predict the course of the dementia. ⋯ Professional caregivers may initiate ACP early if strategies carefully consider timing and family and patient receptiveness or reluctance, and are family and patient-centered. Interventions should address the complexity of interrelated system and personal factors affecting initiation of ACP.