Surgical infections
Surgical infections · Mar 2021
Meta AnalysisSystematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Efficacy of Appropriate Empiric Anti-Enterococcal Therapy for Intra-Abdominal Infection.
Background: Delayed treatment of seriously infected patients results in increased mortality. However, antimicrobial therapy for the initial 24 to 48 hours is mostly empirically provided, without evidence regarding the causative pathogen. Whether empiric anti-enterococcal therapy should be administered to treat intra-abdominal infection (IAI) before obtaining culture results remains unknown. ⋯ Interestingly, risk factor screening revealed that malignancy, corticosteroid use, operation, any antibiotic treatment, admission to intensive care unit (ICU), and indwelling urinary catheter could predispose the patients with IAI to a substantially higher risk of enterococcal infection. "Hospital acquired" itself was a risk factor (OR, 2.81; 95% CI, 2.34-3.39; p < 0.001). Conclusion: It is unnecessary to use additional agents empirically to specifically provide anti-enterococcal coverage for the management of CA-IAI in lower risk patients without evidence of causative pathogen, and risk factors can increase the risk of enterococcal infection. Thus, there is a rationale for providing empiric anti-enterococcal coverage for severely ill patients with CA-IAI with high risk factors and patients with hospital-acquired intra-abdominal infection (HA-IAI).
Surgical infections · Mar 2021
Meta AnalysisIntra-Cavity Lavage and Wound Irrigation for Prevention of Surgical Site Infection: Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis.
Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) are costly and associated with poorer patient outcomes. Intra-operative surgical site irrigation and intra-cavity lavage may reduce the risk of SSIs through removal of dead or damaged tissue, metabolic waste, and site exudate. Irrigation with antibiotic or antiseptic solutions may further reduce the risk of SSI because of bacteriocidal properties. ⋯ Conclusions: Our NMA found that antibiotic and antiseptic irrigation had the lowest odds of SSI. There was high heterogeneity, however, and studies were at high risk of bias. A large RCT directly comparing antibiotic irrigation with both antiseptic and non-antibacterial irrigation is needed to define the standard of care for SSI prevention by site irrigation.
Background: Infection is the most frequent complication after severe burns and has a propensity to progress into sepsis then septic shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Improving outcomes in acute burn care depends on early detection of infection to allow prompt interventions. Diagnosis of sepsis in severe burns is uniquely challenging because otherwise-typical clinical signs are masked by the hypermetabolic state and systemic inflammation induced by the burn itself. ⋯ Second, we analyze the evolution of the diagnostic criteria for sepsis and the evidence regarding their utility in severe burns. Last, we examine the development of biomarkers, from procalcitonin to molecular genomics, for the detection of sepsis. Conclusions: Although gold standard methods of early detection of sepsis in burn patients have yet to be identified, improved understanding and appropriate application of the available diagnostic criteria and assays are paramount to providing effective care of patients with severe burns.
Surgical infections · Nov 2020
Early Recognition of Coronavirus 2019 Disease (COVID-19) Infection in Surgical Inpatients: The Importance of a Risk-Stratified Approach for Early Testing and Isolation.
Background: In the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, resuming provision of surgical services poses a challenge given that patients may have acute surgical pathologies with concurrent COVID-19 infection. We utilized a risk-stratified approach to allow for early recognition and isolation of potential COVID-19 infection in surgical patients, ensuring continuity of surgical services during a COVID-19 outbreak. Patients and Methods: Over a four-month period from January to April 2020, surgical patients admitted with concurrent respiratory symptom, infiltrates on chest imaging, or suspicious travel/epidemiologic history were placed in a dedicated ward in which they were tested for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). If emergency operations were necessary prior to the exclusion of COVID-19, patients were managed as per suspected cases of COVID-19, with appropriate precautions and full personal protective equipment (PPE). Results: From January through April 2020, a total of 8,437 patients were admitted to our surgical department; 5.9% (498/8437) required peri-operative testing for SARS-CoV-2. ⋯ Three operations were conducted in known COVID-19 cases; all healthcare workers (HCWs) used full PPE. A risk-stratified testing strategy picked up previously unsuspected COVID-19 in six cases; 66.7% (4/6) were asymptomatic at presentation. Although 48 HCWs were exposed to these six cases, delayed diagnosis was averted and no evidence of spread to patients or HCWs was detected. Conclusion: A risk-stratified approach allowed for early recognition, testing, and isolation of potential COVID-19 infection in surgical patients, ensuring continuity of surgical services.
Surgical infections · Nov 2020
Temporary Abdominal Closure Is Associated with Increased Risk for Fungal Intra-Abdominal Infections in Trauma Patients.
Background: Fungal infections are associated with increased morbidity and death. Few studies have examined risk factors associated with post-operative fungal intra-abdominal infections (FIAIs) in trauma patients after exploratory laparotomy. In this study, we evaluated potential risk factors for acquiring post-operative FIAIs and their impact on clinical outcomes. ⋯ Conclusions: An FIAI after exploratory laparotomy was associated with greater morbidity and death. A TAC was associated independently with increased risk of FIAI after exploratory laparotomy in the setting of traumatic injury. Clinicians should suspect fungal infections in trauma patients in whom post-operative IAI develops after undergoing exploratory laparotomy using TAC techniques.