American journal of pharmaceutical education
Objective. To assess pharmacy student confidence in their knowledge of qualifying conditions for medical cannabis use in the US and their attitudes toward curricular coverage of medical cannabis. Methods. ⋯ Nearly 80% of students felt that the topic of medical cannabis should be added to existing curricula within the next five years. Conclusion. With the prevalence of cannabis programs and knowledge gap, pharmacy schools should consider coverage of medical cannabis in the curricula.
Health care professionals working collaboratively on interprofessional teams are essential to optimize patient-centered care. Collaboration and teamwork can be best achieved if interprofessional education (IPE) starts early for health professions students. This commentary describes the formation, implementation, impact, and lessons learned from students' curricular and co-curricular activities and faculty collaboration over a five-year trajectory of the Eastern Shore Collaborative for Interprofessional Education (ESCIPE). ⋯ This collaborative also serves as a resource for interprofessional education, research and scholarship initiatives for faculty members. Activities include educational programs such as an emergency preparedness point-of-dispensing (POD) drill, patient management laboratory simulation, geriatric assessment interdisciplinary team workshop, medical mission as public/global health rotation and service-learning program, rural health fair, and annual university health festival for community outreach. The ESCIPE has also facilitated interprofessional faculty assessment and development, research and scholarship opportunities.
Objective. To investigate the effect of strategic feedback and metacognitive processes on learners' ability to predict performance and improve self-awareness. Methods. ⋯ Conclusion. Self-awareness is essential for professionals, though difficult to cultivate and improve in one semester. Incorporating longitudinal, continuous feedback and metacognitive skills may help learners become more aware of their own performance and devise a plan for enhancement.
Objective. To design an experiential education curriculum that sequentially and deliberately prepares community pharmacy-bound graduates to practice at the level of the care provider and display the skills needed to be a pharmacist-in-charge. Methods. ⋯ Participants identified knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for practice-readiness upon graduation. Conclusion. The identified experiential education curriculum for students planning to practice in the community pharmacy setting upon graduation will prepare them to provide care to complex community-dwelling patients and function as a pharmacist-in-charge in this setting.
The 2016-2017 AACP Professional Affairs Committee (PAC) was charged to examine strategies to include adjunct/affiliate preceptors as AACP members and to determine the value proposition of AACP membership for this group of educators. The PAC defined adjunct/affiliate preceptors as preceptors who are neither full-time employees nor have a primary employment commitment (≥50% of the preceptor's work salary) at a school/college of pharmacy. Specific charges to the PAC included: recommend an approach to increase the number of adjunct/affiliate preceptors as AACP members, examine AACP membership from an adjunct/affiliate preceptor value perspective, and prepare a concise summary of available literature describing value-added contributions of student pharmacists and pharmacy preceptors to pharmacy practice models, interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional practice (IPP). ⋯ This information is significant for experiential education faculty/staff, as well as adjunct/affiliate preceptors, and serves as an example of best practices which document the value experiential education provides to patient care and practice sites. The final section of the report provides a policy statement that was adopted by the 2017 AACP House of Delegates and one suggestion to schools/colleges of pharmacy. The report concludes with a call to action regarding the formal involvement of adjunct/affiliate preceptors by AACP and the academy.