Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift für Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte Gebiete
Methylisothiazolinone was permitted in 2004 as preservative in rinse-off and leave-on products by the European cosmetics directive. This led to a dramatic increase in contact eczemas induced by MI in the past few years. ⋯ The reaction was caused by use of a facial ointment that only recently started to contain MI. Type IV-sensitization to MI was verified by patch testing.
The molecular landscape of melanoma is changing more rapidly than ever since new molecular technology approaches have made it possible to examine human melanoma for genetic alterations underlying the disease. In recent years, these approaches have identified new familial melanoma susceptibility genes, most of them also conferring risk to other cancers. This has implications for clinical testing and surveillance. Furthermore, molecular testing of melanoma to determine therapeutic eligibility for targeted therapies is now standard of care and should be familiar to the dermatologist.