Febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) is common in infants and needs to be diagnosed quickly. However, the symptoms are non-specific, and diagnosis can only be confirmed after high quality urinalysis. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends suprapubic aspiration (1-9% contamination) and urinary catheterization (8-14% contamination) for urine collection but both these procedures are invasive. Recent studies have shown a new non-invasive method of collecting urine, bladder stimulation, to be quick and safe. However, few data about bacterial contamination rates have been published for this technique. We hypothesize that the contamination rate of urine collection by bladder stimulation to diagnose febrile UTI in infants under 6 months is equivalent to that of urinary catheterization. ⋯ A high recruitment rate is achievable due to the high prevalence of suspected UTIs in infants. The medical risk is the same as that for routine clinical care as we analyze patients with isolated fever. If our hypothesis holds true and the rate of urine contamination collected by bladder stimulation is acceptable, the infants included in the study will have benefited from a non-invasive and reliable means of collecting urine.
Head and neck cancer (HNC) patients are at high risk for developing lymphedema and fibrosis (LEF) following cancer treatment. Once HNC patients develop LEF, they need to conduct life-long self-care to slow LEF progression and reduce associated symptom burden and functional deficits. Data demonstrate that inadequate LEF self-care may be a potentially remediable issue. The objective of this study is to explore the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an Information-Motivation-Behavioral (IMB) Skills model-driven self-care program (SCP) to improve LEF management and reduce LEF-related symptom burden and functional impairments. ⋯ This will be the first study to evaluate the feasibility of a LEF-SCP in the HNC population and its impact on self-efficacy and adherence. Furthermore, it will evaluate the potential benefit of routine follow-up on adherence and fidelity to the self-care protocol. We expect that the trial will provide evidence supporting the feasibility of a LEF self-care program. In addition, we anticipate that preliminary data will support improved outcomes including increased adherence and fidelity, and decreased LEF-associated symptoms.
Chronic pain is one of the most prevalent and disabling symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). Individuals with MS are interested in nonpharmacologic pain management approaches. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is efficacious in improving MS-related pain outcomes. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a promising, alternative approach. Little is known about moderators of these treatments' outcomes, however. This article describes the study protocol for the first randomized controlled trial comparing MBCT, CBT, and usual care and examining treatment effect moderators in individuals with chronic pain and MS. ⋯ Findings will provide important new information about the efficacy and moderators of two nonpharmacologic pain management approaches delivered using technology to overcome common barriers to treatment access. The knowledge gained may lead to better patient-treatment matching and, ultimately, better pain treatment outcomes in MS.
Advancements in virtual reality (VR) technology have resulted in its expansion into health care. Preliminary studies have found VR to be effective as an adjunct to anesthesia to reduce pain and anxiety for patients during upper gastrointestinal endoscopies, dental procedures and joint arthroplasties. Current standard care practice for upper extremity surgery includes a combination of regional anesthesia and intraoperative propofol sedation. Commonly, patients receive deep propofol sedation during these cases, leading to potentially avoidable risks of over-sedation, hypotension, upper airway obstruction, and apnea. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of VR technology to promote relaxation for patients undergoing upper extremity surgery, thereby reducing intraoperative anesthetic requirements and improving the perioperative patient experience. ⋯ It is unknown whether the use of VR during upper extremity surgery can reduce intraoperative anesthetic requirements, reduce perioperative complications, or improve the postoperative patient experience. A positive result from this clinical trial would add to the growing body of evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of VR as an adjunct to anesthesia in reducing intraoperative pain and anxiety for multiple types of procedure. This could lead to a change in practice, with the introduction of a nonpharmacologic intervention potentially reducing the burden of over-sedation while still providing a satisfactory perioperative experience.
Randomized Controlled Trial Pragmatic Clinical Trial
Design and rationale for a pragmatic cluster randomized trial of the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) for social housing residents in Ontario and Quebec, Canada.
The Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) uses volunteers to provide cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes screening in a community setting, referrals to primary care providers, and locally available programs targeting lifestyle modification. CHAP has been adapted to target older adults residing in social housing, a vulnerable segment of the population. Older adults living in social housing report poorer health status and have a higher burden of a multitude of chronic illnesses, such as CVD and diabetes. The study objective is to evaluate whether there is a reduction in unplanned CVD-related Emergency Department (ED) visits and hospital admissions among residents of social seniors' housing buildings receiving the CHAP program for 1 year compared to residents in matched buildings not receiving the program. ⋯ It is anticipated that CVD-related ED visits and hospitalizations will decrease in the intervention buildings. Using the volunteer-led CHAP program, there is significant opportunity to improve the health of older adults in social housing.