There is a concern that the apparent effectiveness of interventions tested in clinical trials may not be an accurate reflection of their actual effectiveness in usual practice. Pragmatic randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are designed with the intent of addressing this discrepancy. While pragmatic RCTs may increase the relevance of research findings to practice they may also raise new ethical concerns (even while reducing others). To explore this question, we interviewed key stakeholders with the aim of identifying potential ethical challenges in the design and conduct of pragmatic RCTs with a view to developing future guidance on these issues. ⋯ Our findings suggest both the need to discuss familiar ethical topics in new ways and that there are new ethical issues in pragmatic RCTs that need greater attention. Addressing the highlighted issues and developing guidance will require multidisciplinary input, including patient and community members, within a broader and more comprehensive analysis that extends beyond consent and attends to the identified considerations relating to risk and stakeholder roles and responsibilities.
Neoadjuvant immunotherapy targeting immune checkpoint programmed death-1 (PD-1) is under investigation in various tumour settings including non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Preclinical models demonstrate the superior power of the immunotherapy provided in a neoadjuvant (pre-operative) compared with an adjuvant (post-operative) setting to eradicate metastatic disease and induce long-lasting antigen-specific immunity. Novel effective immunotherapy combinations are widely sought in the oncology field, targeting non-redundant mechanisms of immune evasion. A promising combination partner with anti-PD1 in NSCLC is denosumab, a monoclonal antibody blocking receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL). In preclinical cancer models and in a large retrospective case series in NSCLC, anti-cancer activity has been reported for the combination of immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) and denosumab. Furthermore, clinical trials of ICI and denosumab are underway in advanced melanoma and clear-cell renal cell carcinoma. However, the mechanism of action of combination anti-PD1 and anti-RANKL is poorly defined. ⋯ The POPCORN study provides a unique platform for translational research to determine the mechanism of action of a novel proposed combination immunotherapy for cancer.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer mortality among Latinas. As more is learned about the association between mammographic breast density (MBD) and breast cancer risk, a number of U.S. states adopted legislation and now a federal law mandates written notification of MBD along with mammogram results. These notifications vary in content and readability, though, which may limit their effectiveness and create confusion or concern, especially among women with low health literacy or barriers to screening. The purpose of this study is to determine whether educational enhancement of MBD notification results in increased knowledge, decreased anxiety, and adherence to continued mammography screening among Latina women in a limited-resources setting. ⋯ Legislation mandating written MBD notification may have unintended consequences on behavioral and psychological outcomes, particularly among Latinas with limited health literacy and resources. This study has implications for cancer risk communication and will offer evidence on the potential of generalizable educational strategies for delivering information on breast density to Latinas in limited-resource settings.
The incidence, mortality, and prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are high in China. Acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) are important events in the management of COPD because they negatively impact health status, rates of hospitalization and readmission, and disease progression. AECOPD have been effectively treated with Chinese medicine for a long time. The aim of this proposed trial is to assess the therapeutic effect of Chinese medicine (CM) on AECOPD. ⋯ This high-quality RCT with strict methodology and few design deficits will help to prove the effectiveness of CM for AECOPD. We hope this trial will provide useful evidence for developing a therapeutic schedule with CM for patients with AECOPD.
The occurrence of postoperative cognitive deficits, especially after heart surgery, has been demonstrated in several studies. These deficits can clearly be noticed by the patients and by their close relatives in daily life. Furthermore, postoperative cognitive deficits can decrease quality of life in social functioning and earning capacity. The aim of this study is to investigate whether early postoperative cognitive training can reduce subjective and objective postoperative cognitive deficits. ⋯ Should it be shown that our cognitive training can improve postoperative cognitive deficits and quality of life, one possibility could be to integrate this intervention into early rehabilitation. Furthermore, we hope that the investigation of perioperative ischemia by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging will improve our understanding of neurobiological factors influencing the course of postoperative cognitive plasticity.