J Emerg Med
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is a blockage occurring at the junction of the ureter and the renal pelvis. Pediatric patients with UPJO pose a diagnostic challenge when they present to the emergency department (ED) with severe recurrent abdominal pain if there is not a level of suspicion for this condition. ⋯ UPJO is an important diagnosis to consider when patients present to the ED with recurrent abdominal pain. US can be helpful in suspecting the diagnosis, but often CT, magnetic resonance urography, or diuretic scintigraphy is required for confirmation. Diuretics can be used to aid diagnostic testing by reproducing abdominal pain at the time of imaging. Referral to a urologist for open pyeloplasty is definitive treatment for this condition.
Pneumothorax (PTX) can be readily detected by computed tomography (CT) or ultrasound. However, management of PTX in hemodynamically stable patients remains controversial. ⋯ Although the majority of patients with traumatic PTX could be managed conservatively, we did not identify a characteristic anatomical PTX pattern, which could identify subjects who may not require CTT.
Therapeutic hypothermia is used as a neuroprotective strategy for patients who have persistent neurologic compromise after return of spontaneous circulation from cardiac arrest. The 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines recommend the use of therapeutic hypothermia in adult cardiac arrest patients when the initial rhythm is ventricular fibrillation. These recommendations are based on primary research in patients with a cardiac cause of their ventricular fibrillation. ⋯ A 43-year-old male was brought to our emergency department (ED) with commotio cordis. He was struck in the chest with a baseball bat, after which he collapsed at the scene and was pulseless. Return of spontaneous circulation was achieved after defibrillation by treating paramedics, and the patient remained comatose on arrival to the ED. He was transferred to the intensive care unit and treated with therapeutic hypothermia at target temperature of 32-34°C. He was extubated on day 3, and discharged home on day 8 with good neurologic function. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: We report a case of commotio cordis in which the adult patient was treated with therapeutic hypothermia and had a favorable outcome. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of its kind. Evidence for the use of therapeutic hypothermia is incomplete in patients with a traumatic cause of cardiac arrest, such as commotio cordis, despite probable similarities in the pathophysiology of anoxic brain injury. Our case illustrates that there may be benefit from use of therapeutic hypothermia for a broader population than is currently recommended.
Case Reports
Case Report: An electrocardiogram of Spontaneous Pneumothorax Mimicking Arm Lead Reversal.
There are several previously documented findings for electrocardiograms (ECGs) of spontaneous pneumothorax. These findings include axis deviation, T-wave inversion, and right bundle branch block. When an ECG has the arm leads incorrectly placed, the ECG will display right axis deviation and inversion of the P waves in lead I. There have been no previously published ECGs of spontaneous pneumothorax that have shown the same findings as reversal of the limb leads of an ECG. ⋯ If a patient presents with chest pain and shortness of breath, and the patient's ECG is flagged for limb lead reversal despite being set up correctly, the physician should raise clinical suspicion for a possible spontaneous pneumothorax.