J Emerg Med
Review Meta Analysis
Safety and Effectiveness of Topical Anesthetics in Corneal Abrasions: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Topical anesthetics are used in the emergency department (ED) to relieve eye pain and allow eye examinations in patients with corneal abrasions. There is concern for delayed corneal healing, which is associated with the long-term use of topical anesthetics, so outpatient use is not recommended. ⋯ There were no differences regarding pain, persistent symptoms, or corneal healing when comparing short-term use of topical anesthetics to placebo in the treatment of corneal abrasion. Data on safety are sparse, and the use of this treatment is currently not supported by evidence.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
The 5Cs of Consultation: Training Medical Students to Communicate Effectively in the Emergency Department.
Effective communication is critical for health care professionals, particularly in the Emergency Department (ED). However, currently, there is no standardized consultation model that is consistently practiced by physicians or used for training medical graduates. Recently, the 5Cs of Consultation model (Contact, Communicate, Core Question, Collaborate, and Close the Loop) has been studied in Emergency Medicine residents using simulated consultation scenarios. ⋯ Medical students can be trained to use the 5Cs model in a timely, inexpensive, and convenient manner and increase effectiveness of physician consultations originating from the ED.
Case Reports
Prompt Diagnosis of an Unusual Cause of Obstructive Shock Using Point-of-Care Ultrasound.
The patient presenting in an undifferentiated shock state can produce a diagnostic challenge for even the most seasoned clinician. ⋯ We present an unusual case of an elderly woman in obstructive shock from a large atrial mass that was promptly diagnosed with point-of-care ultrasound. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Ultrasound is a non-invasive tool that can help facilitate the early diagnosis of a patient in undifferentiated shock.
Patients with subdural hematomas (SDH) are frequently transferred to tertiary care centers. Although many prognostic factors, treatment strategies, and outcomes for convexity SDH have been reported, little is known about falcine and tentorial SDH. ⋯ Isolated tentorial/falcine SDH without associated neurological deficits represent a benign entity among acute SDH, with no need for surgical intervention, short LOS, and favorable outcome. Our data indicate that for these patients, in the absence of complicating factors, transfer to a tertiary care center may not be routinely indicated.
The herpes B virus is a zoonotic agent that is endemic among macaque monkeys only, but can cause fatal encephalomyelitis in humans. ⋯ A 26-year-old female presented to a U.S. emergency department after being bitten by a wild macaque monkey. The emergency medicine team administered rabies immunoglobulin and rabies vaccine. The team also prescribed acyclovir for prophylactic coverage against herpes B, a deadly zoonotic agent that is endemic among macaque monkeys. A discussion of background, exposure, transmission, symptoms, treatment for herpes B, including latest data available, literature, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines are included. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Zoonotic exposures can cause infectious diseases, which are unfamiliar and deadly. The emergency physician's knowledge of the association between the deadly herpes B infection and wild macaque monkey may expedite treatment and be instrumental in patient morbidity and survival.