J Emerg Med
Emergency ultrasonography is an efficient and cost effective tool for patients who are in respiratory distress. Chest radiographs can yield limited information for these patients. Computed tomography scans have long been the criterion standard for advanced imaging in patients with respiratory complaints, but point of care ultrasound (POCUS) can be performed at bedside, does not expose the patient to radiation, and at times may provide more information than a computed tomography scan. ⋯ A 60-year-old man with a medical history of hypertension presented to the emergency department complaining of a productive cough associated with fever, weakness, and progressively worsening dyspnea on exertion over the previous 1 to 2 weeks. The physical examination was remarkable for rhonchi in the right upper lobe and diminished breath sounds throughout the right lung. POCUS was performed, and the results revealed severe atelectasis and hepatization of the right lung parenchyma with visualized air bronchograms. Complex hypoechoic material with a posterior spine sign was noted, which increased concern for complex consolidation and effusion. The diagnosis of pneumonia with empyema was made. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: POCUS has become a much more commonly used imaging modality within many emergency departments. Ultrasound is more sensitive than chest radiographs for identifying pathologies such as pneumothorax and simple effusions. This case shows how well POCUS can diagnose empyema even in the setting of diagnostic uncertainty of computed tomographic imaging.
Imperforate hymen with hematometrocolpos in adolescent females is a rare pediatric condition. Classical presentation includes abdominal pain or a pelvic mass in female patients with primary amenorrhea. Atypical complaints and reluctance among emergency physicians to perform genital examination in the emergency department or the pediatric emergency department (PED) may delay correct diagnosis. ⋯ We report a unique, cauda equina syndrome-like presentation of hematometrocolpos secondary to imperforate hymen in a 13-year old, previously healthy girl with primary amenorrhea. In the PED, the unusual clinical presentation of severe back pain and urinary incontinence initially mimicked cauda equina syndrome and led to delayed correct diagnosis. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: The novelty of this case is a cauda equina-like presentation of imperforate hymen secondary to hematocolpos. This report illustrates the highly variable clinical presentation of this rare gynecological pediatric entity. It underlines the importance of considering this rare condition in the differential diagnosis of severe upper or lower back pain alongside voiding abnormalities including urinary retention and incontinence in adolescent females with primary amenorrhea. Above all, the importance of performing a thorough history and genital examination in this subgroup early in the investigation process in the PED emerges from this case. Essentially, excellent clinical judgment and genital examination by the emergency physician may minimize unnecessary radiological investigations and ultimately, accelerate correct diagnosis and expedite appropriate surgical treatment. However, not only pediatric and adult emergency physicians, but also pediatricians and general practitioners should be aware of this entity and its diverse clinical presentation.
Neck pain in the pediatric population has a broad differential diagnosis, ranging from benign to imminently life-threatening causes. Trauma and infection represent the most common etiologies of pediatric neck pain in the pediatric emergency department (PED) setting. Malignancy, though a rare cause of pediatric neck pain, is important to consider in patients with acquired torticollis or focal neurologic signs. ⋯ We describe the case of a previously healthy 12-year-old female who presented to the PED with neck pain radiating down her upper extremities. The physical examination revealed diminished strength in her upper extremities compared to her lower extremities. Further evaluation revealed lymphadenopathy in the cervical and mediastinal areas and an epidural tumor in the cervical spinal column. The ultimate diagnosis was Hodgkin lymphoma presenting in an unusual manner with cervical spinal cord compression. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Neck pain is a common chief complaint among pediatric patients in the emergency setting. This case of spinal cord compression caused by malignancy illustrates the necessity of detailed spinal imaging in patients with neck pain and "red flag" signs, including but not limited to an abnormal neurologic examination.
Infants are at risk for vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) because of limited stores of vitamin K (VK) at birth and a low concentration of VK in human breast milk. Therefore, the administration of intramuscular (IM) VK at birth has been recommended since 1961 in the United States. Infants who do not receive IM VK and who are exclusively breast-fed are at increased risk for VKDB. While VKDB is rare, a common presentation of late onset VKDB is intracranial hemorrhage. ⋯ We report the case of a 4-week-old infant who presented to the emergency department with lethargy and a grossly dilated right pupil. The parents denied trauma. A computed tomography scan revealed a right-sided subdural hematoma with midline shift. The infant's international normalized ratio was >10.9 and his prothrombin time PT was >120 seconds. VK was administered and the child was transferred to a tertiary care center for emergent neurosurgery. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: The difficult part of making this critical diagnosis is considering it. Any bleeding in a newborn without trauma should prompt inquiry regarding neonatal VK administration and a serum prothrombin time level. Fortunately, once the diagnosis is made, therapy in the emergency department can be lifesaving and is familiar to emergency physicians. Treatment parallels usual care for the adult with excess anticoagulation caused by warfarin. Prompt intravenous VK is universally accepted. Studies to support fresh frozen plasma or prothrombin complex concentrate are lacking but make good clinical sense for life-threatening bleeding.