J Emerg Med
Response time interval (RTI) and scene time interval (STI) are key time variables in the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) cases treated and transported via emergency medical services (EMS). ⋯ Prolonged STI in OHCA with a delayed response time had a negative association with survival outcomes in four Asian metropolitan cities using the scoop-and-run EMS model. Establishing an optimal STI based on the response time could be considered.
Observational Study
Use of Prophylactic Ondansetron with Intravenous Opioids in Emergency Department Patients: A Prospective Observational Pilot Study.
The current literature suggests that the prophylactic use of antiemetics is ineffective at preventing nausea or vomiting caused by opioids in the emergency department (ED). While there is no data evaluating ondansetron's efficacy for preventing opioid-induced nausea and vomiting, this practice remains common despite a lack of supporting evidence. ⋯ Our trial found that ondansetron did not appear to be effective at preventing opioid-induced nausea or vomiting. These findings and previous literature suggest prophylactic ondansetron should not be given to ED patients who are receiving IV opioids.
Subgaleal hematoma (SGH), an abnormal accumulation of blood under the galeal aponeurosis of the scalp, is more commonly observed in newborns and children. According to previous cases, the etiology of SGH includes mild head trauma, vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery, contusion, and hair braiding or pulling. ⋯ A 39-year-old healthy worker came to our emergency department (ED) due to scalp lacerations from an accident that caused severe twisting of his hair. He denied head contusion and was conscious upon arrival. Physical examination showed three lacerations over his right temporal area. The wounds depth extended to the skull, with a 10-cm subperiosteal pocket beneath the lacerations. Primary sutures were performed immediately under local anesthesia, not only for wound closure but also for hemostasis. However, he returned to our ED 3 h after the first visit for a newly developed soft lump over the left side of his forehead. Computed tomography scan of brain illustrated a huge and diffuse SGH in the left temporal region with extension to periorbital region. Although the option of incision and drainage was discussed with a neurosurgeon and a search for some case reports was done, most of the hematoma could be self-limited. Conservative management with non-elastic bandage packing direct compression was applied. The patient was then admitted for close observation and conservative treatment for 1 week. There was no recurrence of SGH in the following 3 months. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: SGH is an uncommon phenomenon that is caused by tearing of the emissary veins in the loose areolar tissue located beneath the galeal aponeurosis. Conservative treatment with bandage compression is recommended for SGH. Surgery is reserved for cases where non-invasive management fails or severe complications.
Observational Study
Emergency Physicians Who Produce Higher Relative Value Units Per Hour Spend Similar Amounts of Time at Patient Bedsides as Their Colleagues.
Emergency physicians (EPs) are expected to deliver quality care while maintaining high levels of efficiency and productivity as measured by the relative value unit (RVU). ⋯ Despite differences in RVU-based productivity data, academic EPs spend similar amounts of time involved in the daily tasks of taking care of patients, underscoring that direct physician-patient interaction is one practice parameter that is not compromised among these EPs.
Emergency departments (EDs) in the United States play a prominent role in hospital admissions, especially for the growing population of older adults. Home-based care, rather than hospital admission from the ED, provides an important alternative, especially for older adults who have a greater risk of adverse events, such as hospital-acquired infections, falls, and delirium. ⋯ Results suggest that EPs recognize there is a benefit to providing home-based care as an alternative to hospitalization, provided they felt the home was safe and a process was in place for dispositioning the patient to this setting. Better understanding of when and why EPs use home-based care pathways from the ED may provide suggestions for ways to promote wider adoption.