J Emerg Med
Heroin and prescription opioid abuse in the United States is exhibiting a growing geographic ubiquity. ⋯ From 2009 to 2014, there was an increasing trend in ED patients using heroin who resided in urban, suburban, and rural ZIP codes. There was an increasing trend in prescription opioid prevalence in all regions from 2009 to 2011. After 2011, prescription opioid prevalence decreased in urban and suburban ZIP codes but not rural ZIP codes.
Autoamputation of the appendix is a condition associated with the Ladd's procedure, a pediatric surgical technique for correction of intestinal malrotation. A 4-year-old male patient with a history of a Ladd's procedure performed as a newborn was brought in by his mother for "passing intestine" just prior to arrival. She reported that for several weeks her son had intermittent, crampy abdominal pain that resolved after the unusual-appearing bowel movement. After reviewing an image of the bowel movement, and in consultation with pediatric surgery, it was concluded that the patient had passed a devascularized appendix in his stool immediately prior to arrival. ⋯ A 4-year-old boy with a past medical history of heterotaxy syndrome (inversion of the thoraco-abdominal organs), a double outlet right ventricle, and Ladd's procedure presented to the Emergency Department (ED) after "passing intestine" in his stool. Close examination of the photo demonstrated a tubular structure with taenia, consistent with an appendix. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Autoamputation of the appendix is an uncommon presentation in the ED. Passing a devascularized appendix is a benign condition and can present with weeks of intermittent abdominal pain that resolves with passage of appendix in the stool. Remnants of the appendix can remain within the intestinal lumen years after the Ladd's procedure. Emergency physicians with a general awareness of this rare phenomenon can confidently make the diagnosis and reassure worried parents.
Case Reports
Unusual Complications From Babesia Infection: Splenic Infarction and Splenic Rupture in Two Separate Patients.
Babesiosis is a zoonotic parasitic infection transmitted by the tick, Ixodes scapularis. Splenic infarct and rupture are infrequent complications of Babesia parasitemia, and have not been previously reported in the emergency medicine literature. ⋯ We present two separate cases seen within 1 month at our institution: a case of splenic rupture and another case of splenic infarction due to Babesia parasitemia. WHY SHOULD AN EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN BE AWARE OF THIS?: Babesia infection in humans is increasingly prevalent in both the United States and worldwide, and clinical manifestations can range from subclinical to fulminant infections. An unusual but potentially fatal complication of babesiosis is splenic infarctions and rupture. Due to the endemicity of this parasite, a careful history and level of suspicion will enable the emergency physician to consider and test for babesiosis in patients with splenic injuries and without obvious traditional risk factors.
Dyspnea secondary to acute upper airways airflow limitation (UAAFL) represents a clinical emergency that can be difficult to recognize without a suitable history; even when etiology is known, parameters to assess the severity are unclear and often improperly used. ⋯ RR, VAS, and Borg dyspnea scales are sensitive parameters to detect and stage, easily and quickly, the gravity of an upper airways impairment, and should be used in emergency settings for an early diagnosis of a UAAFL. SpO2 is a poorer predictor of the degree of upper airways flow limitation.